Chapter 11

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Heaven POV

With my ruffled yet adorable hair,I walked out of my room heading to the first place I could think of...the kitchen. Do you know how I knew my hair was ruffled and yet adorable, by looking at the mirror but that didn't mean my facial look went unnoticed. My eyelids were slightly closed,drool on my left cheek and hair hanging around my face. I'm definitely not a morning person. Sauntering to the kitchen,I met my dad flipping a pancake,I muttered a greeting and walked towards the fridge.

  "I baked some pancakes,will you have some?"

"No,an apple will do"

  "Sweetie,I'm sorry about yesterday"

"Never said I was mad at you"

"So you aren't mad"

  "I just said I wasn't mad three freaking seconds ago"

  "Does that mean you'll behave cool in front of my partner"

"Not like I have a choice"I retorted and made to leave

  "Won't you give papa a kiss?"

  "Am I like 10?"

"You do give dad kisses"

"That was years ago, I'm not some little kid" I replied bluntly " your slutty wife needs it not me" I responded and walked back to my room. A part of me felt guilty but I needed to show my displeasure.

I have been inhaling and exhaling for the past two minutes preparing to meet the guest. I'm doing this for my dad's sake else I will not even show up. I'm doing this activity in order to suppress my anger and make my facade look real. Only those in my shoes can understand what I'm trying to say.
With one deep exhale,I gently opened the door and stepped down carefully as if the stairs  are not strong enough. I heard the trio laughing while  the bitch laughing loudly. Why is she even here? Ohhh...she had to be unfortunately.

All I have to do is exchange pleasantries and zip my mouth shut while giving a smile at intervals, mission will be a success. I gave myself a thumbs up as I got into the living room.

 I gave myself a thumbs up as I got into the living room

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This is how heaven looks like.

  "And here comes my daughter, Heaven Mickelson"my dad smiled as he introduced me to his partner. Did I tell you that his partner is quite handsome and way younger than my dad.

"Good morning Mr.." I slurred not knowing his name.

"Call me Mr Curlin" he smiled.

"Nice to meet you sir" I greeted.

"Same here Miss Heaven" he extended his hand which I shook awkwardly.
"You two made a really beautiful product"he added

"Thanks" Cassie smiled. She was getting the praise for something she wasn't involved in. Wait..when did I become a product? Chill..heaven...chillax.

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