The Haunted House🎃

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Author's pov: It's one of my favourite One-shot coz I personally like horror fics.... I hope you weebs will enjoy reading it.....🤗

Naruto and Karin were living together for almost 2 years. They really had a good and healthy relationship, never arguing with each other and the moments were full of love.

Halloween was almost here and Naruto and Karin were thinking what should they do at this special day.

Naruto have we been already carving the pumpkins ? Karin asked sitting on the couch.

Karin we have been doing it yesterday. Naruto smiled at his girlfriend.

Oh in that case I should cook something for us. Karin was ready to stood up but Naruto pulled her in a tight embrance and put his chin on her shoulder.

Darling you already did that yesterday too. You don't need to work so much. I want us to enjoy this special day.

But Naruto what should we do? I don't feel like watching horror movies.

You just don't want to watch them because you are scared. Naruto teased.

That's not true! I mean we have already spend halloween like that 1 year ago. I want something different. Something that will scare the both of us.

Well in that case I came up with something good. Do you want to go to some haunted house?

Karin could already tell that Naruto was smirking.

Yes that sounds like a really great idea ! Let's go! Karin wanted to stood up but Naruto again pulled her on his lap.

What now Naruto ?!

If you want to go somewhere don't you think that we should dress in some costumes. Naruto suggested.

But Naruto we are not kids anymore. We are not going to trick or treat.

Who said that adults can't wear costumes on halloween? Come on I know you bought some sexy costume for me Naruto teased her.

Karin blushed when she felt Naruto's breath on her neck.

F-fine I will go change. But this also applies to you. Karin pointed at him and crossed her arms.

I actually have something too so you don't need to worry. He winked at her and left to change.

I wonder what Naruto will be this year. Demon? Joker? Serial killer? Karin's curiosity kept growing.

When Karin was finished she frowned when she saw herself in the mirror.

They made it too tight around chest. Costumes are supposed to be comfortable.

Karin opened the door waiting for Naruto.

Karin was wearing a beautiful black and red frok with a black hat in her head. She had black leather boots upto her knees and looked like a witch.

Karin didn't realized Naruto was already there staring at her with a deep blush visible on his cheeks.

When Karin's eyes met Naruto's dark eyes she felt her cheeks heat up too when she studied him from head to toes.

Naruto was wearing a long black jacket with a few chains attached around his torso and a black pants with a black shoes.

He also attached a fang to his teeth and sprayed some red paint over his face and hands .

Karin y-you look sexy. I mean really hot! You look like a sexy witch rather than a scary one. Naruto said.

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