The life we have built👨‍👩‍👦

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Guys it's a Narukarin fic with slight KakaSaku fic.

Naruto lay on the battlefield, a bloody stub where his right arm once was. Next to him was his recently reconciled best friend and rival Sasuke. The sky was red in mourning for the legions slain in battle; the victory gained that day hardly justified so many young lives. Naruto coughed and tasted the familiar taste of blood, but even so he smiled. Deep down inside he knew that he and Sasuke had won, they had stopped Madara and Kagura and saved the Sage of Six Paths. Soon however, his adrenaline and over-abundance of chakra began to wane, and Naruto felt every bit of abuse his body had taken in the last 72 hours. He would've writhed in pain, but his body no longer even had the energy to cry out.

Across the battle marred wasteland, two medical kunoichi rushed toward the pair of motionless shinobi, one with cherry blossom hair and one with scarlet. The pink haired one knelt over the body of Sasuke, tears streaming her face. She did what she could to save his life, but no matter how hard she tried she knew she could never heal all the wounds he suffered. Karin, the red headed girl, stood a few feet back looking at the mangled body of the boy who wanted to be Hokage. She felt deep down inside her, with all of her sensory abilities, the bright hope being produce by this one boy's soul. Something inside her broke that day, and she ran forward to his side and propped up his golden head. As Naruto's vision faded he remembered seeing red hair hanging in his face. It was lovely red hair, just like his mothers, such lovely red hair. Then Naruto's vision faded into black.


Naruto sat bolt upright in his bed. He looked over at the clock on his dresser, which read in big green numbers: 3:02. Next to him, with her long Uzumaki red hair, slept Karin. Naruto's right bicep ached as it did every now and then around the seem where his new arm was attached. He stared at its pale skin in the dim early morning light. It had been 8 years since he lost his old arm, 8 years since the end of the great shinobi war, yet it seems like just yesterday they mourned the loss of all their fallen comrades. Naruto now understood why Kakashi-sensei was always late, choosing to spend hours a day at the memorial to fallen shinobi. There was one name in particular that hurt him more than the rest: Sasuke Uchiha, who, although even tsunade's best efforts, succumbed to his injuries after over a month in the hospital. Sasuke's last words to him haunted him every day.

"I chose a short sighted dream Naruto; that was my mistake and I'm soa sorry I won't be there to see you make it to your goal. I believe in you Naruto, and I always have. I got my dream, feeble as it may have been, and became an avenger, now promise me, Promise Me, you'll achieve yours and be the greatest Hokage ever." And then Sasuke Uchiha closed his eyes for the last time. Naruto could still see Sasuke's frail body, clinging to life, weaker than Naruto had ever seen him. He remembered holding Sasuke's cold hand as tears streamed down his face. It was then that the hero of Konoha, although he was surrounded by people who loved and adored him, felt lonelier than he had ever felt in his entire life.

The sound of a baby's cry broke Naruto out of his melancholy. Karin rolled over mumbling about his turn and went back to sleep. Rising from bed and wandering into the nursery, Naruto picked up his infant son and cradled him in his arms. A warm feeling washed over Naruto, reminding him of the reasons why people fought and died for the village. Naruto sat and watched the sunrise while rocking his son back and forth. He looked down at the baby Boruto and said,

"This peace you are growing up in, it came at a price, and you will likely never understand it. That's not your fault, but more than anything I hope you never understand the price of peace because I pray you never have to fight for it." Naruto continued to talk and rocked Boruto back and forth until they both fell asleep.

The sun rose on a new day in Konohagakure and Karin walked out onto the balcony to find her boys in their rocking chair sleeping, which brought a small smile to her face. Their chakras felt so peaceful, just like the first time she felt the chakra of the jinchuriki. She decide to go back inside and prepare some breakfast for when the two of them woke up. A few hours later she was eating breakfast as Naruto looked through the mail.

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