Natsumi becomes a sister🐣

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Summary: Natsumi is 6 years old and she doesn't really want a sibling.

Natsumi takes in Mama's eager smile and Papa's relaxed stare before frowning at them and uttering a simple, "No thank you."

Mama blinks, confused. "What do you mean, sweetheart?"

"I don't want a little sibling, Mama," Natsumi explains. She shakes her head at the prospect of a slobbering girl or a wailing boy. She fights down her cringe to smile at Mama. "You're my Mama!" Natsumi steps forward and wraps her arms around Mama. "I can share you with Papa, I guess, but we don't need another baby so you can just return it. Did you remember to keep the receipt?"

Papa chuckles under his breath and Natsumi turns to him, her head still resting against Mama's chest.

"What's so funny?"

Papa just shakes his head and lays a heavy hand over her hair. "You're a silly girl," Papa tells her, making Natsumi pout.

"I'm not silly!" she retorts. She turns to her mother. "Mama, tell him."

"Natsumi-chan isn't silly, Naruto-kun." Mama jams her elbow into Papa's side, making Natsumi grin. "And Mama can't just return the baby." She adjusts Natsumi so that she's sitting in Mama's lap, her head resting on Mama's shoulder and her feet close enough to Papa that she can prop them up on his thigh. "Mama is pregnant, Natsumi-chan. The baby is already in Mama's tummy."

Natsumi pulls away slightly to glance at her mother's midsection, still flat beneath her red dress.

"Oh," Natsumi mumbles, slowly reaching out to touch her mother's stomach. She still feels the muscle and flesh, but no baby whatsoever. "So then... we're stuck with it?"

Mama laughs and Papa just shakes his head and sighs.

"We're not stuck with the baby," Mama says warmly. "Your little brother or sister is a blessing for our family."

Natsumi just wrinkles her nose and nods.


The baby makes Mama sick. The baby makes Mama eat for two and then makes Mama throw it all up. It makes Mama eat the weirdest things and sends Papa away more often than before because now it makes Mama make Papa go far away to get particular sweets and snacks. The baby makes Mama queasy so she needs to lie down and then Papa has to help Natsumi with her homework, which is a shame because Papa is nowhere nearly as smart as Mama, and the baby makes Mama tired so she doesn't play with Natsumi as often as she used to.

When Natsumi points out to Mama that perhaps they should return the baby since it has such a negative effect on her, Mama just smiles.

It's a Sunday morning and Papa is outside tending to his garden. They've just eaten breakfast and while Mama is sitting on the couch nursing a cup of tea, Natsumi is sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table working on the problem sets Mama made for her.

"Natsumi-chan, we can't return the baby," Mama explains patiently.

Mama has actually explained this over a dozen times, but it doesn't stop Natsumi from making and remaking the suggestion. After all, Mama is the one that taught her that it's amazing what she could get if she "quietly, clearly, and authoritatively demanded it."

"But the baby makes you sick!"

"You used to make me sick too, you know."

Natsumi reels at the response. "Did not!"

"Did too," Mama counters. She giggles as she leans back into the cushions, her free hand falling over her belly. "The smell of ramen used to send me running, so your father was never allowed to eat that around me."

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