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Author's Notes: Possibly gonna be a multi parter here folks. Slight Haremy bits so bear with me

It was a late night, and a heavy rain was pouring over Konoha. It had been only three years since the end of the war, many things changed. Yet the more things changed the more they stayed the same. And for Naruto this was truer than anything, because though he was a hero, the old adage the hero gets the girl was a lie.

He lay on his bed staring at the ceiling as he remembered the day he learned the truth, the day his heart was broken. As fate had it all his work to save Sasuke from revenge and the endless spiral of self destruction would come back to haunt him. When Sasuke came to Konoha, things went bad for Naruto.

"I hope you understand Naruto, you're a good friend...but Sasuke needs me more..." Sakura said as she looked at Naruto, hoping, really hoping he would understand.

"...Yeah...I understand..." he had said that, but inside he was dieing, the fact she just disregarded everything they went through. All the tears they cried, all the laughter they shared, for the sake of her selfish love.

"Are you sure...you don't sound like it?" she asked, she didn't realize what she had done was just rip out his heart. She didn't bother to let him down gently, breaking up is never easy, though they were never together, but in truth it was break up.

Now Naruto stared at the wedding invitation and frowned and threw it to the side, he had done his best to move on. But it was hard when you reminded constantly that he had lost. Suddenly and pounding came at the door of his home, he looked at the clock, it was Eleven PM, who would be here at this hour. He crawled off his bed and pulled his cargo pants on since he didn't know where he put his robe, and headed to the door.

As he opened the door, he saw Karin, her eyes were bloodshot, and she was soaking wet, her silken sleeves, and her Chinese style top clung to her body, as did her skirt. She looked as if she were crying for hours, she hadn't been so keen to resign herself to having lost her war for Sasuke.

"Karin? What are you doing here?" the blond asked, having not expected to see her come to his house this late at night.

She weakly held up her invitation to the wedding before dropping it into a puddle outside his house. She lunged herself towards the kindhearted shinobi and clung to him, as she sobbed loudly. She didn't want to accept what had happened, but she had to.

"I'm sorry Karin..." he said as he hugged the redhead, he knew it was harder for her, he knew she had this dependence on the bastard, she wasn't in love with Sasuke, she just needed him. He helped her into his house and closed the door behind them, she needed to possibly get out of her wet clothes into some dry ones.

"...W-What so special about her!" she cried out as she clung tightly to Naruto sobbing into his chest.

He sighed some, he had to wonder what was so special about Sasuke, which would drive Karin to be like this, he took a deep breath and said with a sigh, "I don't know. But come on, you need to get out of your wet clothes..."

He took her to his bedroom, and let her sit on his bed, while he found some of his old clothes for her to wear. He set them out beside her on the bed and said, "I'll be just outside the door okay?" he turned and walked outside, the room, to allow her to change her clothes.

Moments later she walked out of the room, doing her best to hide her arms from him, until he grabbed hold of her arms to stop her from hiding her arms. He saw the numerous scars on her arms and neck, from being bitten his eyes widened in shock, "Wha-What happened to you?" he asked as he looked at her arms.

"...It's one of my abilities, I can heal people by allowing them to bite me and siphon my own chakra. A lot of these are from Sasuke..." she said in shame not wanting to look the boy in the eye. She jerked her arms free, and turned away from the blond, crossing her arms over her stomach. "I'm ugly...that must be why he doesn't want me!" she exclaimed, revealing a fact, she had low sense of body image due to her scars.

Narukarin One-shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant