High School Love💕

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Summary: Naruto and Karin are in High school. Karin loves Naruto but Naruto is afraid of relationship. They both are 16.

I threw another small ball of paper at the side of his head, smiling as it caught in the spiky blonde locks. It had been inexplicably adorable to watch him attempt to stay awake through the day's classes after the all-nighter she knew he'd pulled to study for the morning's exam. His eyelids drooping every so often, dark eyelashes batting quickly in an attempt to wake himself up, purple circles dark against his tan skin. But now he'd finally given in and was sleeping soundly, head nestled in the crook of his crossed arms, his closed left eye just peeking out above the sleeve of his uniform, the left side of his hair littered with tiny balls of paper I'd been throwing at him for the past half hour. I cocked my wrist again, aiming at an emptier patch of bed-hair.

"Perhaps  Karin can answer my question?"

I froze mid-throw, the tiny paper ball falling pathetically onto my desk, bouncing a few times before rolling right off its edge.

"Or maybe Naruto ?"

The teacher glared at me and Naruto, spectacles flashing. I aimed a kick at Naruto's leg.

"Don't eat me, I'm not tomato!" He yelled, eyelids flying open.

A dozen sets of eyes turned to us, the king of silence reigning over both of us, watching, listening as eleven round paper balls tumbled to the floor. Naruto looked to the floor, then to me, then to the teacher, and back again. Like a bubble bursting, laughter swelled in the room, the loudest being a certain inuzuka kid troublemaker and probably the protagonist of "Naruto's nightmare".

Only the teacher's glare bored down on us now. Well that and Naruto's seething anger radiating towards me. I smiled nervously at the teacher, who shook his head at me.

"Karin, Naruto  come see me after class."

"This is your fault."

"How is it my fault?

"You threw paper at my hair!"

"You fell asleep in class!"

Naruto and I glared at each other from either side of our conjoined desks, before he finally sighed and massaged his temples.

"Whatever, I don't have the energy for this right now."

His circles looked more pronounced in this lighting and his movements were slightly sluggish. I let my chin fall into my hand, my frown sliding off of my face.

"Do you think you did well at least?"

"I'd better have," Naruto grumbled, setting his pen to paper. "Normally physics isn't really a problem, but for some reason this lesson just went over my head. I mean I had to study like a crazy person to even understand half of it. And now I'm paying the price."

He continued writing the 1000 word apology letter-or essay as I preferred to call it-that the teacher was making us stay after school to write.

"Mm. It's alright, everyone has things they don't understand," I offered.

"I don't," he said sharply.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, I'm Naruto! I'm perfect at everything all the time!"

He glared at me again.

"And yet, I have nightmares of Sasuke eating me," I mocked.

He groaned, putting his face in his hands. "It's not funny! I swear I have that nightmare every time I don't get enough sleep!" He gestured wildly, illustrating his nightmare. "Sasuke thinks he's made out of tomato, and so he tries eating himself, and then when I try to stop him, he lunges at me and starts biting my arm yelling 'TOMATO' at the top of his lungs!" He shuddered, a haunted look in his blue orbs eyes. "It's terrifying."

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