Start from the beginning

"ON THE TABLE!" Lily responded, groaning as Sirius ruffled her hair. "Stop pushing your luck, Black. I won't hesitate to punch you if my hair is ruined."

"Oh, what a menace!" The boy cooed, ruffling her hair once more. "Now let's go find some firewhiskey! You don't become an adult every day!"

And alcohol he did find. Sirius Black was wrong about many things, but he was very much right when he said he wasn't going to be turning into an adult every day. This day was special for him; it was a goodbye to the life linked to his family. Yes, he had been disowned long ago, but Walbuga and Orion Black still technically could take him back by force. Now, he was 18 and the two despicable "parental" figures had zero control over him.

Just like any other proper party, the real fun began after midnight struck. It had given everyone enough time to get used to the lights and loud music, to get drunk or high and to finally let loose on the dance floor. In the eye of the storm were the four Marauders, indulging in the muggle drinks mixed with firewhiskey and dancing on top of tables. Sirius had linked arms with James, jumping around aggressively to the sound of music. They didn't really worry about how stupid they looked as they stumbled around, most buttons of their shirts undone and identical sombreros on their heads. Peter was throwing paper napkins at the two boys, wolf-whistling as James slapped Sirius' butt. And Remus, well he was nowhere to be seen.

"WITCHES!" Callisto's question as to his whereabouts was answered when an arm wrapped around her shoulders loosely. "I'M DRUNK, I THINK!"

Callisto looked up at him, completely missing Lily's knowing look. It really wasn't her fault; he just looked too damn good for her to pay attention to anything else. Unlike the other three boys, only the first two buttons of his maroon shirt were undone, revealing the edge of an old scar. Callisto's eyes lingered on it, remembering exactly how it ran down his chest and how it felt under her fingers as she traced over it. His hair was messier than ever, a few strands sticking to his forehead, glistening with sweat. Her eyes met with his, warm and inviting as ever, only a bit drunker than usual.

"You think?" Lily asked, laughing as Remus nodded emphatically. "How much have you drunk?"

"Numbers?" Remus groaned, pointing at the table filled with booze. "Fuck, I suck at maths!"

"They don't teach us at Hogwarts..." Lily sceptically muttered, her eyebrows furrowing as she reached the same conclusion Sirius and Callisto had many moons ago.

"Claire!" Remus announced, bringing the girl closer to him. "Dance with me!"

"I'm tipsy."

"I'm pissed!" He grinned widely, taking Callisto's hand and dragging her away from Lily. The redhead waved her goodbye, turning to find James who had decided it would be a great idea to try to balance his glasses on his nose.

"You're so-" Remus started, gesturing at her dress. "You're so cool!"

"Where did you get the sombrero from?" Callisto asked, trying to stop herself from blushing at the compliment.


"Kingsley?" She questioned. "Who the fuck is Kingsley?"

"KINGSLEY!" Three loud voices chanted over and over again, making Callisto glance over at them. Sirius and Peter were helping up a small boy on the table, two sombreros on his hands and another on his head, while James was putting his hat on Lily's hair.

"KINGSLEYY!" Remus shouted whistling. "YOU'RE A STAR, YOU SEXY BEAST!"

"Give me some!" Callisto laughed, motioning to take the bottle away from the boy's hand. He immediately extended his arm over his head, shooting her a teasing look.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 [𝐑. 𝐋𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now