Chapter 33: The Fear of Loss

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She swallowed as she stared up at him. Yeo Wool was Minister Park's son? How could this be?

All this time she had believed that her secret was the worst. That her pain would agonize him. And drive him away.

But he had been carrying around his own secret. One that was every bit as destructive as her own.

"Who else knows?" she whispered.

"No. One."

"Just your mother and your grandmother?"

He nodded.

"Not even a servant?"


Her brow crumpled in sudden concern for him. "How are you doing?"

"You mean now that I know that I am the son of the vicious Minister Park?"

"Yeo Wool," her voice held a gentle warning.

His lips twisted sardonically.

She continued, "You said that you loved Se Yeon for herself. Not for who her father was. You must give yourself the same consideration."

"I should love myself? Despite the fact that I'm the offspring of a truly evil man?"

"Yes," she ejaculated. Firmly. "Yeo Wool. You are the very best man I know. A true testament to the goodness of your mother. Forget that man. You have nothing to do with him."

He gazed down at her, and those elegantly thin lips curved into a gentle smile. "And that is exactly why I love you so."

She stiffened. And he felt it.

She was still trapped within his arms.

"What?" she queried.

He bent his face close to hers. "I. Love. You. Because you're so adorable. So sweet. Always riding to my rescue. Beating off my bullies. Who knew that my father was a bully? I sure didn't. Why wasn't I born with his audacity?"

Shocked, she pulled herself up straight. "I am glad you weren't! That man wasn't just audacious! He was viciously cruel! I would rather you were timid than a brute." She paused a moment. "And, Yeo Wool, there is absolutely nothing fearful about you now. You are a very brave man."

"It's not true," he murmured as his expression sobered.


"I am afraid that I'm going to lose you," he admitted softly as his eyes caressed hers.

"Yeo Wool."

"Please. Please carefully consider my proposal. And meet me in my grandmother's garden in an hour."

"An hour?" Her eyebrows flew up.

He nodded. "After dinner."

"Aren't you staying for dinner?"

"Should I?"

She blinked as she continued to stare up at him. Truthfully, she didn't want those strong arms to release her. She was feeling weak. Desiring this man's embrace. For life.

She reflected on his treatment of her children. And on his ability to make her laugh. Se Ri's words came back to her, and she had to admit that Yeo Wool was very good at making her laugh. She hadn't relaxed for years. But in his presence – with her family – something strange happened. She found herself letting her guard down.

And that was the scariest thing of all.

She took a deep breath. "Stay for dinner. The girls are expecting you."

"Ah. And we wouldn't want to let them down, now would we?" He was eyeing her speculatively as he quirked one midnight eyebrow.

Which made her wonder if he had somehow overheard her conversation with Se Ri.

She pulled herself reluctantly from his arms. Then she headed for the dining room with him. Her heart pounding again.

What was she going to tell him?

The Target: A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #6Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora