Chapter 5: Two New Students

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"Sam Sook, I would like to take Se Ri with me this morning."

"Where are you going, Eomma?"

"To the school. To visit Lady Bit Na and her daughter-in-law, Kim Jung Sook."

"The school?" Sam Sook didn't remember a school.

"It's a school Kim Jung Sook opened to teach the daughters of the lords to read and write. Among other things."

Sam Sook wrinkled her brow. "Are you wanting to enroll Se Ri?"

Lady Yang nodded. "Yes. There is a girl near her age there. Bo A. I think that she and Se Ri will become fast friends. Kim Jung Sook took the young lady under her wing over a year ago now. She is her apprentice. She's a sweet girl."

"Mmm." Sam Sook nodded. "We will all go with you."

She glanced down at her tiny mite. "Se Yeon, we're going to visit a ladies' school."

The little girl jumped up and down in her excitement. "Yay! We're going to visit a school!" Then she furrowed her miniscule brow as she gazed up at her mother out of wide, obsidian eyes. "What's a school, Eomma?"

Sam Sook chuckled. "It's a place where young ladies learn how to read and write."

"Can I, Eomma? Can I?" Se Yeon continued to bounce on her toes.

"We shall see, darling. We'll ask if there's an extra parchment for you to use. Maybe you can draw Eomma a picture too."

Se Yeon jumped towards the door. "Let's go!"

Sam Sook glanced up at her older daughter who had just entered the room. "Hey, sleepyhead. You slept really late this morning. Are you feeling all right?"

Something seemed off with Se Ri. Her usual smile wasn't in evidence this morning.

"I'm all right, Eomma."

"Are you ready to meet Bo A, love?" her grandmother quizzed her just then.

The girl's eyes lit up fractionally. "Yes. I – can I grab some breakfast first?"

"Absolutely. We'll head to the school when you're done eating."

Lady Yang commanded a servant to bring her granddaughter something to eat.

Half an hour later, the four of them walked the short distance to the school. Se Ri seemed to brighten a little under the warm sunshine. But not enough to reassure her mother.

"Se Ri. Did you not sleep well last night?"

"Not really, Eomma."

"New bed?"

"Mmm." The girl nodded her head.

"Are you excited to make a new friend today?"

Se Ri smiled faintly. "I am."

But she had bigger things preying on her mind now.

A few minutes later, their little group entered Jung Sook's school. The teacher exclaimed happily as the door opened and she recognized Lady Yang. Curiously, her eyes passed over the remainder of her entourage.

"Lady Yang! This must be your daughter. And your granddaughters?" the cheerful woman greeted them brightly.

"Indeed. Kim Jung Sook, this is my daughter, Jeong Sam Sook. And these pretty, little girls are my pride and joy. Se Ri and Se Yeon."

Jung Sook giggled suddenly as she watched the antics of the younger girl. The curious creature had stepped right up to her desk and was in the process of reaching for a quill. She'd already liberated a sheet of parchment.

The Target: A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #6Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora