Chapter 19: Threatening

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She'd been scared of her brother. But she realized now that her experiences with him hadn't been nearly as terrifying as what she was enduring now. This man was many years older than her brother had been. And this man was no stranger to issuing threats. He had wanted to silence her from the very beginning. And he had known exactly how to go about it.

The very first words out of his mouth had threatened both her mother and her baby sister. In one breath. Se Ri had been shaking in her bed from the very beginning. And knowing that her tiny sister was just a few feet away had held her still and silent. Only the pillow beneath her head had felt the tears that had slid down her cheeks without a sound. She had stifled every sob until he'd left her room. Then she had turned and buried her face in her pillow and bawled for over an hour.

She hadn't slept another wink that night. And had been exhausted the next morning. But when her mother had suggested she take a nap, she had begged her to stay in the room with her and Se Yeon while they slept. Se Ri had claimed that she felt sick. And she had. Sick to her stomach. And terrified of sleeping in her own bed.

Each night she had lain awake for as long as she could. But eventually the stress had been too much for her, and she had fallen asleep. He'd left her alone for a week. Long enough that she had begun to relax. Thinking that maybe it had been a one-time affair.

But then he had returned. After that, his visits had been inconsistent. And completely unpredictable. He seemed to have a sixth sense concerning the nights that her mother checked on her and her sister. He always came when her mother was sound asleep. Though Se Ri prayed that her mother would catch him in the act.

And she prayed that she wouldn't.

Se Ri dreaded the consequences of anyone discovering his presence in her room.

She stared into the darkness for hours that night. Praying he wouldn't come. Valiantly, she fought sleep. But it was more persistent than she. Finally, around midnight, she drifted off to sleep. Unprepared for what was to come...

Around three in the morning, he entered her room. Stealthily. Knowing that she was waiting for him. And that she would readily do anything he demanded of her. He made a beeline for her bed in the darkness. Cognizant of her exact whereabouts.

He had taken his time with her over the last month. No, it was more than a month now. Closer to five – six? – weeks. Slowly perusing her body with his fingers. In the absolute darkness of her bedroom. While her tiny sister slept a few feet away from them. But he was growing impatient now. Having desired her for so long, he didn't want to deny himself any longer.

He grinned with anticipation as he sat down on the edge of her bed. And reached for her. He knew exactly how he was going to wake her....

The Target: A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #6Where stories live. Discover now