Chapter 9: Don't Leave Me Lonely

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Sam Sook had planned to meet Yeo Wool in the gardens that were hidden behind his grandmother's home. The same garden in which she had first met him. Jung Sook had offered to play with Se Yeon while Se Ri visited with Bo A at the home of Lord and Lady Kim Seub.

"You go have some time to yourself," Jung Sook had gazed at her knowingly.

Sam Sook had laughed. "You know very well that I'm not going to be by myself. I'm going to chat with Kim Yeo Wool."

"Is that all that you're going to do with Yeo Wool?" her friend had asked her mischievously.

The young mother had gasped in embarrassment. "Jung Sook!"

"What?" The teacher's eyes had widened in amusement. "Yeo Wool is quite handsome. And he's very sweet. And you deserve someone wonderful."

At which comment, Sam Sook was certain that she had turned crimson.

"Just...take your time to...thoroughly enjoy...his company," Jung Sook finished with an impish grin lighting up her friendly face.

Sam Sook just shook her head. "It's not like that. We're just friends."

"Hmm. Are you sure? You turned awfully red for someone who's interested in merely friendship."

Her friend remained silent and wouldn't meet her gaze.

"And I've seen the way that man looks at you."

Sam Sook's eyes flew to her face now. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, surely you've noticed too."

The older girl's forehead crumpled. "I haven't noticed anything noteworthy about the way that Kim Yeo Wool looks at me."

"Hmm. Maybe it was just my imagination."

"What was just your imagination?" she pressed the younger woman.

Jung Sook's lips instantly spread into a wide grin. "That man looks at you like you are the only sun shining in his sky." She paused. "After a lifetime of gloomy, rainy days."

Sam Sook just stared at her. Her friend must be delusional. Yeo Wool had never looked at her like that.


But a few minutes later, all her concerns about Jung Sook's intuition evaporated as Sam Sook was met by a stricken Yeo Wool. He was waiting outside for her. He led her into the garden behind the house.

She turned towards him. "Yeo Wool. What's wrong?"

"My grandmother just passed away. She lay down for a nap a couple of hours ago. But she never woke up."

"Oh, Yeo Wool! I am so sorry!" Without even thinking, she threw her arms around him and pulled him close.

His arms came up around her, and he buried his face in her shoulder. Inhaling her scent as he fought against his grief. And lost. After a few trembling moments in her arms, he drew away from her. Reluctantly releasing her.

Tears slid down his face. "I always returned home to see my grandmother. Because I have forever felt safe here. In her presence. Her home was my one true shelter in life. I was always perfectly accepted with her. She never stopped believing the best of me."

Yeo Wool stared at Sam Sook. For a few fleeting weeks, those same words had been true of her too. But then she had faded from his life. To live with the man who had one day come to be her husband.

"Was he good to you?" Yeo Wool asked abruptly.

Startled, Sam Sook furrowed her brow. "Who?"

"Your husband."

The Target: A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #6Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora