
Depuis le début

She had talked me into letting her do my makeup for the event. She pointed out that I didn't have to wear this much all the time, but it was always nice for special occasions. I let her, because she was right. It was nice to step out of my comfort zone every once in a while. 

"You look great," she said as I pulled my hair up in a hair tie. 

I smiled. "Thanks."

She giggled to herself then said, "You hated me at that baseball game, didn't you?"

"What? No." 

"I was there with Bakugou, fawning all over him, talking about how cute he was."

"Okay, maybe a little."

She laughed. "Well, I never stood a chance. Did I ever tell you about how when you went away to basketball camp he talked about you nonstop?" She deepened her voice and then said, "'Y/n loves golf. If Y/n were here she'd order (fav pizza). Y/n hates (least fav show genre).'" She smiled. "It all worked out in the end, though, because Eijiro is a better match for me anyway."

I laughed. "Come one, let's go down."


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We stepped into the backyard. My dad and Sero manned the barbeque. Denki and Eiji threw a football back and forth in the far corner of the yard. People swam and ate and talked. I was so happy. 

A pair of strong arms wrapped around me from behind.
"Football later?"

I leaned back into Katsuki. "Yes."

"I've missed you this week."

"Me too."

He roughly kissed my cheek. "I'm goin' to get some food. I'll be right back." He took off across the yard to join my dad and Sero at the barbeque.

Mirio walked across the grass, holding his soda. I nodded to Mina. "I'm going to mingle."


"You should join Eijiro. Catch a few footballs."

"Yeah, right." 

I pointed to my face and the makeup there.

She laughed. "Fine. I'll try." 


I walked over to face Mirio, a long-overdue apology forming on my lips, and the first thing he said was, "I was never scared of your brothers."

"Um. . .what?"

"That's not why I didn't ask you out. I was scared of Bakugou."

I laughed. "Fair enough." I toed the grass with my foot, having a hard time coming up with the right words. 

"I'm sorry about your grandma, Mirio." He might not have known how I felt at the time, but I knew I needed to apologize. I had been insensitive.

He smiled. "Thanks, Y/n. That really means a lot."

I nodded, then whirled around and almost pushed Katsuki's plate full of food into his chest.

"Whoa," he said, lifting it in the air and saving it.


He nodded at Mirio, who said, "Hey, Bakugou. Thanks again, Y/n."

"Of course."

Mirio left, heading for the pool.

Katsuki gave me a smirk. "That was nice of you."

"I'm nice." He eyed me suspiciously. "Sometimes." 

He held out the plate. "I got food for you."

"Aw. You do know the way to my heart."

We sat at a table and ate off the same plate.

"Uh oh," Katsuki said when I snatched the last chip.

"Did you want it?"

"No. It's just . . .your brothers are headed this way and they have a mischievous look in their eyes."

I turned around and had less than three seconds to process before Eiji grabbed hold of one of my arms. I knew what was happening even before Denki took the other one. 

"Don't! You'll ruin my makeup!"

Sero grabbed my feet with a laugh. "Has she ever said that before in her life?" They picked me up and carried me toward the pool.

"Seriously. You are all going in if you do this."

"Katuski? Aren't you going to help us?" Eiji asked. 

He held up his hands. "And face her wrath? Fuck no. I think I'm out."

"Aren't you going to help me?" I asked.

His scarlet eyes twinkled. "No."

"Dead. You're all dead to me."

"I just wanted to see if I learned how to throw someone into a body of water," Sero said. "I was taught how last month and I need to test it out." 

I got my foot loose and kicked him in the chest. 

He grabbed his chest muscle. "Ouch. That hurts worse than it looks."

"Right?" Eiji said. "Why do you think I got her arm this time?"

"I hate all of you."

"You love us." They reached the edge of the pool and threw me in with a big arching swing. 

I surfaced, spitting water. "You better get Mina next." 

I heard a shriek and I laughed. Katsuki did a cannonball next to me, fully clothed. I dunked him back under when he came up. 

The second time he came up with his half-smile, I pulled him into a hug. "You knew you'd end up in here anyway, so you thought you'd join me on your own, huh?"

"No. You wouldn't have gotten me. I was just hot."

"Whatever, I totally would've gotten you."

He shrugged, his eyes crimson red with the water reflecting in them. "I guess we'll never know."

"Which means I win," we both said at the same time.

He kissed me. "Then how come I feel like the winner?"

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It was still dark when my eyes fluttered open. I stared at the ceiling for a while, unsure of what woke me. It wasn't a nightmare. My phone chimed on my desk. I swung my feet to the ground and stood. I didn't pick it up to read the message. I just smiled and ran outside to the fence. The moon was full tonight, perfect for a chat. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐬Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant