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❏ 8 | eight◌ jett gets assigned a quest ◌

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8 | eight
jett gets assigned a quest


THE AIR WAS TENSE IN THE DINING PAVILION AND AN ANXIOUS FOG HOVERED OVER THE CAMPERS. Jett shifted in her seat uncomfortably and Butch put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, squeezing. He sighed. "Jett, I know something is going on with you. What is wrong?" Jetts hands shook under the table and her eyes welled with tears. She cleared her throat violently and let out a stiff laugh. "Butch, you're just overthinking. You're doing the whole 'old brother blowing things out of proportion' thing." He still looked unimpressed but before he could question her further Chiron had stood up and cleared his throat, silence falling quickly after.

"Another day we have survived and so let us eat and honor the safety the Gods have given us." His eyes surveyed the tables and he zeroed in on Jett, sending her a subtle nod before he raised his glass in a silent toast. "To the Gods"

Talking and laughter followed shortly after, Jett and Butch making their way towards the sacrificial flames when it was their cabins turn. Butch was done with it quickly but Jett found herself standing there for a few moments, her eyes glancing at his brooding frame in despair. Her mind was reeling and her fork hovered over the food a second too long because the Hecate cabin was already coming up behind her. Lou Ellen had sent her a questioning glance and Jett shook her head while dumping basically her entire plate into the fire. The flames flickered before settling once again. Jett was livid.

She knew she was being dramatic but once again the Gods were relying on their children to do their work for them- saving one of their own, ensuring that history didn't unravel, and defeating every threat that threatened their universe. It was unfair. Jett wanted to be a teenager; she wanted to paint her nails, she wanted to gossip about crushes, she wanted a cell phone for fucks sake. She wanted to live without danger looming over her constantly. Jett wanted to live without the memories that already haunted her and the ones that would surely be added. She was tired.

But demigods don't get to be tired. They get to fight with everything they have and hope that they don't kill themselves in the process. Just fucking great.

Jett rubbed her face tiredly before falling back onto the bench next to Butch, the latter staring at his sister curiously. They made eye contact and Jett almost burst out crying before she reminded herself that she was expendable and that this was just another quest she would have to live through. She would have to survive because that's what she was good at.

She swallowed before mustering up a smile, the sound of a horn signaling that it was now time for the camp fire echoing around her skull. Her body seemed to move in autopilot and the world around her felt like she was walking through jello. She supposed it was her fault for falling in the first place but she would always deny it when teased about it. Jett's boots seem to catch the edge of some invisible rock and her body flailed to the rocky ground- not before becoming entangled in a familiar warm figure first. The pair crashed to the ground in a mess of limbs, the campers around them rushing over to help. Jett noticed that her fall seemed to be cushioned and when her eyes opened a flush crept onto her features; the familiar warm brown of Leos eyes bore into her own and he sent her a dorky smile, strong arms wrapped around her waist and holding her to his chest. "Falling for me already, mi sueño?" Jett scoffed playfully, sending him a crooked smile. "You'll have to try harder than that, la mia fiamma." His auburn eyes widened before he let out a laugh. "Challenge accepted."

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐊, 𝘏𝘰𝘖Where stories live. Discover now