Chapter 10

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I opened my eyes and was welcomed to a dark a room. My hand ran over the sheets beneath me and immediately knew I was in Druig's bed. When I tried to sit up and feel around for him, I was met with empty sheets. My head began to ache and as I brought my hands to my head I heard yelling from Sprite and Druig.

"An infinity stone? Oh yeah let's just give that to a human,"

"It's not an infinity stone!"

"Okay then what is it?"

"It's a stone, that some witch gave me in Babylon. I never thought her spells were real!"

The yelling made my head pulse with pain as I swung my legs over the bed. I tried my best to listen to what Druig was saying as I kept my eyes shut and my fist clenched in an attempt to ward off the pain.

"What witch?" I could hear Sprite ask from outside the room.

"They thought her to by the goddess Hypnos. She cast a rune of compulsion on it, saying something about 'Only someone worthy could wield the magic' or something like that," Druig explained frustratedly. The ache in my head was bearable now as I stood up and made my way to door. As I went to push on the door I heard Druig's voice again, making me pause.

"I care about her,"

"Well care is an understatement," Sprite remarked, and I could imagine the look she was giving Druig.

"There's not much I have to give but I thought she might like it,"

"So you had no idea she could use it to control deviants?"

"The witch said it was supposed to work hand in hand with my power. I've never been able to control deviants," Druig explained and I took this as my time to push open the door.

I shut my eyes to the low hanging sun as I stepped into the humid air.

"Amara," Druig sighed with relief as he appeared in front of me. I blinked rapidly before my eyes adjusted and I smiled at him. I stood at the end of the porch, Druig ran his hands down my arms, his eyes trailing down every part of me to see if I was okay.

"How are you feeling?" he asked taking my hand to lead me off the porch and over to Sprite at the same time Kingo appeared, walking towards us.

"I'm okay. My head is pounding but other than I'm okay," I smiled at Kingo who wore a small smile of sympathy.

"Did you know you could do that?" Sprite asked, her question sounding more accusing than curious.

"I had no idea," I said crossing my arms over my chest. At the same time Druig wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side.

"Is everyone okay? My people?" I asked turning to look at Druig. His head hung low for a moment.

"Most of them," Druig nodded. My hand moved to my mouth as he looked to Kingo.

"Gil-Gilgamesh didn't make it, neither did 6 of the villagers," Kingo's words came out raspy, almost choking on Gilgamesh's name. My eyes brimmed with tears as I looked from Kingo to Druig to Sprite. Druig told me the names of the villagers and I couldn't help but let a few tears fall as I heard who they were. Kind people, with families. Blacksmiths, teachers and just genuinely kind people who I'd known for years.

Kingo and Sprite shared a look before nodding to Druig. I could feel my heart breaking as they walked off into town. I turned into Druig my head resting on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. Pulling me even closer, he rested his chin atop my head letting my tears soak his robe.

He didn't try to say anything, just held me. Druig's hands ran up and down my back for a moment before placing a kiss to the top of my head.

"They shouldn't have died," I whispered leaning away from Druig. My eyes felt puffy as I looked up at him. He wore a heartbroken look as he nodded. He shook his head, his hands resting on my arms as he pressed a shaking kiss to my forehead.

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