chapter 4

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"Amara.." Druig's voice called to me, begging for my attention but I didn't dare turn around. I was infuriated with him. For as long as we'd been...friends or... whatever we were...he's known how much I hate when he controls me. I hate when he seizes my free will from me.

"Leave me alone Druig," I called to him as I continued walking through the village, my thoughts racing in anger.

"Amara please," he pleaded.

"No," I said stepping out of the way of a few children walking in front of me.

"Amara," he called to me his voice more stern this time. Before I could really register how angry he was I felt the familiar grip on my mind freezing me in place.

Druig caught up with me, coming to stand in front of me. His eyes widened as he looked at me and he began apologizing over and over. Immediately he let go of his grip on my mind. The second I had control of my own mind again I shoved Druig's chest, making him fall back a step.

"What is wrong with you!?" I yelled shoving at his chest again. He didn't stop me just let me shove him a second time.

"With me!? I saved you!" Druig yelled back in my face, his accent making his words jumble together as he got angrier.

"You call that saving?! Commanding me to stand still and watch as a strange creature tries to tear you apart! And when I'm angry with you, you command me to stop!"

This gets his attention. As I try to shove him one more time he catches my wrists. His stern expression changed to one of concern and I feel his grip loosen on my wrists for a moment.

I taste salt on the corner of my mouth. I didn't realize I'd begun to cry, I was just so frustrated with Druig. I tried to thrash in his grip once but he lifted his chin, taking in an exaggerated breath before exhaling, his breath fanning me.

I mirrored his movements a small hiccup coming from me as I calmed down. I felt calm for half a second as Druig let go of my wrists but instead of letting the conflict resolve or dissipate he had to open his mouth.

"Deviant," he sassed.

"What?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"The creature, was a deviant. I told you bout them," He explains and I can't help but glare at him as I feel the anger still rising in me.

I stomp off to Druig's house, not caring who will see because I'm sure everyone knows that Druig calls on me or for me at odd hours of the night.

"Amara.." he warns, his voice low and loud in my head as I push on his door. I step inside without saying a word to him. He follows after me, opening the door right after I'd closed it.

"Having an entire village at your beckon call doesn't not make you some hero. Putting people in danger so you can save them isn't saving!" I immediately start to yell as soon as Druig's inside.

"You're not some god who chooses what is best for people!"

He rolls his eyes and begins to sit down on the edge of the bed, placing his arms on his knees as he looks up at me.

"Then what am I?" Druig asks calmly, his tone catching me off guard. I try to calm my racing heart but I can't help but glare at him. I take a deep breath in an effort to calm myself.

"What if it had knocked me out the way, or thrown me or killed-"

"I wouldn't let that happen," he says sternly looking up at me from the bed.

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