Festival of the senses

Start from the beginning

"I can reassure you, I didn't just give your son stationery," said Lucius after everyone had recovered.
.the blonde handed the embarrassed boy a second package.
"That wouldn't have been necessary," he mumbled.
"But I wanted, after all, Siri is not entirely wrong, I benefit a lot from your letters. .they sweeten my day, ”the man confessed.
Some sounds of delight came from the girls and women and Harry blushed again.
He gratefully took the second present and unwrapped it. .Inside was a book on rituals, also for advanced learners.
“I know from Severus that you would like to work in this area later. This book contains some important rituals that you will need over and over again. "
."Thank you, Mr. Malfoy."

After Harry had wrapped up all the presents, it was his fathers turn. Although they complained just like their son because they didn't want to be the center of attention, they were also given gifts.
.There were also a lot of great things here, things that both men needed again and again or had wished for for a long time. Of course, Harry had played the advisor. There was even a marriage counselor, which was meant to be more of a joke.
.then came Harry's present.
"Actually, it's not just mine, Mr. Malfoy helped me," the boy explained.
The couple looked at each other questioningly and took the envelope. .when they saw what was inside they both got big eyes.
“A week-long vacation in a relaxation hotel? Hey, even a thermal bath is included, ”Sirius cheered.
."Harry, how did you come up with this idea?" Severus wanted to know, puzzled.
“We have never been apart since we spent our holidays together in Diagon Alley. .don't get me wrong, i love to spend time with you guys, you are the best parents i could ask for. But strictly speaking, you never had a honeymoon, I was always there. .how should you really relax there? So I decided that this would be just the thing for you. Mr. Malfoy helped me choose the hotel. .it shouldn't be in the magical world because then you certainly wouldn't have had any rest. But it couldn't be a hotel where gay couples weren't allowed. You can see the result in front of you. "
Both Severus and Sirius swallowed.
.“Thank you, little one, this is a wonderful gift. But isn't that too expensive? "
"Siri, I have more than enough money. Also, I never really spent anything in my school dungeon. .only back then in Diagon Alley when I was buying new clothes. And after that you both always came up with almost everything. So please don't worry about the money. Just enjoy your vacation. .so actually your belated honeymoon. The date is so that you can take part in the ball with the Greeks as well as the one for the ZAG graduates. And I expect that you will only use the time together for yourselves. "

.overwhelmed by the gift, the two men took turns hugging their son.
“But where do you spend the time while we're away? Even if you're sixteen already, I don't want you to be left here alone, ”Severus said.
."I wouldn't be alone either, there are Kreacher and the others," Harry said.
His fathers just looked at him.
"Well, well, don't worry, I won't be alone," Harry laughed.
."We have invited your son over to us for the week you are away, so you can drive with peace of mind," grinned Ariel.
"You all knew that?" Sirius wanted to know, puzzled.
The guests nodded.
."Thank you, you are really great," Severus said.
"You deserve it, and we are happy to have your son with us," said Antonius.
.“And for me it was a challenge to look for a hotel that met these requirements. You don't believe how narrow-minded some muggles are. "
.Hermione, Minerva, Harry and Severus gave Lucius a look who said they knew that very well.
"Well, you do, but not the rest of you," laughed the blonde.
"That's right, but it's not much different in our world," said Hagrid.
.even there everyone could only agree.

After the presents there was food and cake. Kreacher had done a really great job on both. Then the twins set up a magical system in the garden and played music. .however, it was nothing stiff, this day was meant to be enjoyed, and so the guests fumbled around on the lawn more than they actually danced. Even mysticism and kreacher took part.
.startled, the young man turned to the voice.
"I should definitely do something about my nervousness."
"Sorry. I just wanted to ask you if you have a little time for me? "
.Harry cocked his head and looked up at his crush.
"Of course, always for you."
There was nothing flirtatious about the sentence, Harry meant it just as he said it. .but it was precisely this innocence that had such a great effect on his counterpart.
Lucius offered Harry his arm and together they walked along the edge of the garden.
."Don't you get any posture damage if you have to bend down so far?"
“No, you're not that small either. You have also grown a lot since your fourth year. "
.“That is probably a bit of an exaggeration, the few centimeters hardly count. But even if I'm a bit taller, I can't keep up with you for a long time and I will certainly never be able to. "
.“It's because of my genes, most purebloods are very tall. Just look at your fathers, the Weasleys or Draco. "
Harry grimaced in pain because that wasn't the case with him.
."Severus is a half-breed," reminded his counterpart.
"That's true, but he comes from an old family."
"What does size have to do with it?" Harry asked.
Lucius gave a bitter laugh.
.“The purebloods are nothing more than the result of long breeding. Like horses or dogs. Only the most powerful of our 'kind' were once allowed to reproduce. And of course, a certain look was also preferred. .the men should be tall and strong, the women small and petite. Just what the people in the middle of nowhere have preferred for a long time and sometimes still do. "
"Ridiculous. However, I'm probably falling out of line again, I'm a dwarf. .I probably should have been a girl originally, ”Harry growled.
Lucius shook his head in amusement.
"No, I don't think so again."
"If you say that. Mr. Malfoy, what did you want to discuss with me? "
.The boy was probably embarrassed about the subject of the conversation, otherwise he wouldn't be so clumsy as a distraction, but actually he was very accommodating to Lucius. .only the blonde was afraid that the young man would be very embarrassed again in a moment.

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