Chapter 9: Harry and Jenny

Start from the beginning

“Jenny you are going out with Niall and I so get ready.”  I hear her hugh before pushes me out the door to get changed. I go to my room to get ready to. Pulling on a simple  country hick dress. It is purple, light and brown. After cleaning my boots I pull those on also where I find Jenny sitting on the couch in a white dress with pink and green flower print and white converses.  Sitting beside her she smiles. Texting Niall that we were ready and make it look like Niall just invited Harry. With that I put my phone in my jean jacket along with my wallet and a little bit of money. There was a knock on our door and I open it and see a smiling Niall and a nervous Harry behind him. Grabbing Jenny I pull her with me. Taking  Niall's hand and releasing Jenny's  when we got in the elevator. Calling a cab Niall is in the front seat and I sit in the back. with Harry and Jenny.  We go to a small diner at Denny's. Being seated in the back of the area we small talk and order our simple meals. I order this 3 course dinner along with Jenny. I enjoy a salad along with Jenny as the boys share some mozzarella sticks. Soon we all get our meals, eating, joking, and smiling was all around our table. We talk for a while and so we were forced with me and Jenny's desert.  I get a small banana split and Jenny gets an apple crisp. Sharing my desert with Niall we goof off and dotting ice cream on each other faces.

*Harry P.O.V.*

      I was smiling watching Niall goof off with his girl, I wish I could have that.  Looking over at Jenny I smile and watch as she enjoys the little desert that she got to order.  I slide next to her, sliding my arm around her shoulders. She looks at me nervously. I whisper something in her ear I say

“ Can I have a taste love?” She jumps a little before nodding and feeding me a piece of her apple crisp. It was so good, I let out a little moan. I smile down at her and watch as she finishes the cute little desert.  While waiting for everyone to finish I pay for the check. When I come back. I everyone is down.  Niall helps Lex up and they make their way outside to call a taxi, I see Jenny having a little difficulty to put on her jacket. Grabbing it I help her slide it on and run my hands onto her shoulders, Whispering in her ear I say “There you go love.” Grabbing her hand and lead her to the cab with Niall and Lex.  Only they weren't there.There was no taxi out so we take about the 20 minute walk to the hotel. When we get to her door.  I pull her closer to me before she goes to her  room.  ~This was it I need to ask her.~

“Jenny would you please go out with me again, and be my girlfriend?”  I am nervous so I look down at my feet. I feel her soft thin arms on my chin lifting it up so I can look at her.

“Yes, Harry I will go out with you again and be your girlfriend.” I am over the moon kissing her cheek I promise to see her in the morning and head to my room that I share with the boys.

Coming in I find everyone asleep in our room on the couches and floor. Katrina and zayn on the loveseat, Lex and Niall on the double lazy boy, and Rachel and Louis on the long couch. I didn't see Liam so I go in back to change and sleep in our room.  With all that i jump into the bed and fall into a wonderful Jenny filled dream sleep.  

I feel movement in my room on my bedside so I look at the who it was.  It was Jenny in a sweat jacket and some shorts.  Smiling I scoot over, she crawls in and snuggles into my open arms.  With that I close my eyes and listen to her calming breath as we drift  off to dreamland.

*Jenny's P.O.V.*

    I was so nervous when Lex answered the door and Harry was coming with us. I was nervous as we make our way to the diner. We have fun and talk and goof off. When Lex and Niall share food and look into each others eyes I am amazed, I really wish I had that.  When Harry asked me for a bit I couldn't help but blush and feed him a piece.  I smile as he moans because it tastes so good. With all this going on I finish as Harry leaves the booth to pay, Niall and Lex leave to call the cab. Getting up I try to put on my jacket, with much difficulty. I feel hands take it from me and slide the jacket onto my shoulder.  He whispers sweet words in my ears and I smile.  Everything I wished would happen to me finally is.  Taking his hand we make our way outside to meet up with Niall and Lex, only to not find them there.  Instead we make the 20 minute walk in the cold to the hotel.

     We get there and we take the awkward ride in the elevator. When it dings to the top floor we walk off. When I get to my door I turn around only for Harry to slip his hand in mine and turn me back around.

“Jenny would you please go out with me again, and be my girlfriend?”  He asked nervously, he looks down at his feet. I felt bad for him, and I wanted to see his beautiful green eyes. Lifting his chin I look into his eyes before saying.

“Yes, Harry I will go out with you again and be your girlfriend.”  I watched his face as he shows me a cheeky grin, kissing my cheek he promised to see me in the morning. I watched him head to his room that he shared with the boys.  Getting out of my daze I walk into my room to find no one there.  Changing I call the boys room, Liam answers with everyone was in there, changing into my pjs I head over there also.  I walk in after Liam answers finding everyone asleep. I ask where Harry was. Smiling I enter the room to find Harry on his stomach his muscular back facing me. Sitting on the edge on the  bed I mess with his curly hair before he turns on his side facing me. Opening his arms along with the blanket in his arms I curl into him being held in his arms. Listening to his breathing  I fall into the best sleep of my life. I didn't wake up that night like I usually do.

      Waking up I find my head on someone's chest, with their arm wrapped around my waist holding me close.  I hear giggling coming from the doorway. Pulling my head off his chest and placing my hand on his chest I find Lex, Katrina, and Rachel all giggling and snapping pictures on their phones. I giggled at them before throwing the pillow that Harry was holding, and throwing it at them. It was hilarious because they bust out screaming and laughing, waking Harry in the process where he rolls off the bed to me. He lands on his back and me on his stomach. We both were laughing before we look into each others eyes.  Are lips comes closer and closer together. All the things with his hand,is on my waist, our eyes looking at each other, and then our lips molding together as one.

    Once our make-out session was over. We pulled apart to join the rest of the group for breaky. All us girls were giddy, we only had 3 days left here though.

*3rd P.O.V.*

      Everything was going well within the couples. Everyone had one another except Liam. All will fall into place sooner or later. Everything will come in time with surprises the girls leave first followed by the boys.  What will happen after that? Everything will soon fall in place, now be ready  because someone is coming, coming to attack, and Jenny better watch out or else.

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