"I love you guys so much," I say tears streaming down my cheeks, "And I know I might not have you physically with me, you'll always be right beside me and I take comfort in knowing that. I hope wherever you are, it's warm and safe and you are together. And no matter how many years go by, I will forever be grateful that I had the best parents in the entire world and wish for more years than what we were given. Someone once told me, you can love someone and let them go. So," I shift on my legs "Mom, Dad. I promise I'll be okay. I love you and I let go."

I'm crying as I fold up the letter, "We love you so much dear," Nana whispers before kissing my cheek. I smile sadly and lay my head on her shoulder, Papa squeezes my shoulder. We stand in silence for a bit before he clears his throat.

"Are we ready for the lanterns?" He asks, I lift my head and nod. We prepare the floating lanterns, each of us is going to let one go. Once we got them situated, I look to my grandparents who give me simple head nods. I slowly lift mine up and release it, they follow my lead a couple of seconds later and I sigh.

"Goodbye Mom and Dad," I sigh as we watch the lanterns float away.

I feel lighter like a heavyweight is no longer on my chest but I also feel lost. Teddy and I had talked about what I would feel lost after I had let them go. They were a part of me and letting them go makes me feel like I've lost the only part that's ever loved me, I've always struggled with self-love but now I know I'm lacking that self-love right now.

We head back towards the house as the sun finally sets and we walk in to see Imogen and Tayrn involved in a heated Just Dance game, my grandparents chuckle and move aside towards the kitchen. I walk around the kitchen and sit down beside Sebastian who's arm is thrown over the couch, "hey," He says softly amongst the chaos in front of us, he slides his phone between us and turns his attention to me.

"Hi," I smile, I watch him do a quick assessment of me before meeting my gaze, "I'm okay," I nod.

His arm slides down to my shoulders and wraps around me, pulling me closer "good," He says kissing my temple. "These two are fucking animals," He whispers in my ear and I laugh.

"They are competitive when it comes to just dance," I say, eyeing the coffee table Taryn is getting close to, they had already moved it to the side.

"Stop!" Imogen laughs elbowing her sister.

"Cheater!" Taryn yells, Imogen sticks out her tongue. My grandparents come back carrying dessert and some coffee and probably tea.

"You two, enough," Papa snaps at them jokingly.

"Hold on, I'm winning!" Imogen exclaims and Taryn shoves her and falls into the spot beside me. "Now I'll take my celebratory cake," My friend turns to my grandma and she hands her a slice of cake. "How do you feel?" Imogen asks me as Sebastian leans forward and pours himself a cup of coffee.

"Light," I nod slowly and she smiles at me.

"I think the lanterns were a cool idea, we saw them from the backyard," Taryn tells me. It really was a good idea.

"Thanks for being here guys," I sigh.

"We came for dinner," Imogen jokes and I stick out my tongue, she smiles and I fall against Sebastian, craving his warmth. I throw my legs over his thigh and he placed a hand on my knee.

"Are you three ready for school?" Nana asks Taryn had graduated this year and now she's a real-life adult who needs a real-life adult job.

"Oh yeah, can't wait," Imogen sighs sitting on the carpet once the coffee table was back in place.

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