[Chapter 46: Calling Cadence]

Start from the beginning

"That's a really good mentality to have." You happily agreed, respecting her empathetic way of thinking and how it made her different from Amber and Laura in general. "I guess I'll see you in a little bit, then? If...If that's still alright with you?"

"Of course it is. See you soon, (Y/n)." She pleasantly spoke - you also saying goodbye before ending the call. Thank goodness you had a friend like Cadence. But a few seconds later, your peace and quiet was suddenly interrupted.

"—Boo!" A mischievous voice scared you from behind, two hands gripping your shoulders as said person made you jump and gasp without any warning.

"J-Jesus Christ, Penny!" You anxiously snapped, twirling around and facing the clown with faint annoyance. "Why would you do that? And why are you in the woods of all places?"

"I could ask you the very same thing." Pennywise shot back sharply; his expression switching from one of amusement to a stern one in less than a second.

"What are you talking about?" Flicking your head to the side, you ignored his unexpected annoyance and folded your arms instead. "I'm allowed to spend time by myself, y'know. I don't always have to go back and forth between the University, Camp Crystal Lake and the house I share with the others."

"Are you serious?" He laughed dubiously, his golden-eyes glaring at you as he shifted over to the darker version of himself. "There's a difference between spending time by yourself and stupidly letting your guard down. Especially when there's multiple psychos after you. It's like you're asking to be caught, silly girl."

"What I do in my spare time has absolutely nothing to do with you." You fiercely retaliated; returning his serious stare and not understanding his worry. "So why don't you just go back to whatever you were doing earlier and leave me be?"

"Leave you be...?" The killer clown repeated slowly - his dangerously low voice, creepy grin and insane glint in his eyes making you feel weirdly on-edge. "And why exactly would I do that? You're getting more and more difficult to read, you seem to be extremely good at ending up in bad situations, and—"

"So what? I promised I'd spend time with you - and I have been - so what's the problem? I wouldn't have taken you for the overprotective type." You firmly pointed out, narrowing your eyes and growing somewhat curious. Why was he so worried...? What could possibly cause Pennywise to become so worked-up...?

"If you spend a little time with me too~"
"Wait, what!?"
"It's nothing much~" "I just want to see what makes you so special to the others, that's all."

Your question made IT stiffen up, bewilderment flashing across his facial features while he pondered over the words that you'd just said. Him having a problem...? Him being overprotective...? What a foolish thing to say. He couldn't care less. All he cared about was wanting to find out why he was so captivated by you. Why he was so...so infatuated. After all, he couldn't send you insane, and he couldn't take your soul. And now that he thought about it, he didn't feel like feeding off your fear anymore either. But why...? Why was that...? Growing agitated, his irritation increased; the psychopathic clown not being able to come to any sort of conclusion. Still—

"Penny...!" "How come you're here...? I...I thought...I mean, you said that you didn't—"
"What were you thinking!?" "You could've gotten seriously hurt there, sugar. If I hadn't—"
"...I know."
"Excuse me...?"
"—I said, I know."

"But then...But then why did you do it...?"
"Because I love him." "I love Jason. And when you love someone, you'd do almost anything for them. Including taking bullets. Besides, I care about everyone here. Jason, Michael, the others, you—"
"You're absolutely mental."

"You should go home. You seem tired. And besides, not only are you unsafe outside Crystal Lake - you're not safe inside this place either."

"Sh...e's-uh...pl...en...ty-uh...s-uh...afe...!" [A/N: "She's plenty safe...!"]
"Uh-huh." "And what would've happened back then if I hadn't stopped Mikey from striking up a battle?"

"You managed to calm him down..." "Despite him not wanting you to leave, you were still able to change his mind. How...?"

So why?
Why was he feeling like this?
Over a mere human girl?
Why did he care so much?
He...He didn't know.

Your Devotion - Slashers x Reader [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now