Journey to Nowhere

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Pomu RainPuff

It was a light day for the forest fairy.
Bright blues skies with sun peeking from the clouds from time to time, the ambiance couldn't be more peaceful as the day before.

On my travels, I've met so many wonderful people that all go by a special names. I was shocked at how many they were and the roles they play as part of the society. One was a Doctor, another was a nurse and some were even students, still finding a path for themselves. As a forest fairy, my duties are minimal but the  role I play is crucial.

Lived for thousands of years, they've encountered many hardships the forest has to make for the sake of the concrete jungle. Chopping down of trees, sacrificing animals and creatures that are not visible to the naked eye. The pain of the past still haunts them today, but only a small amount. They bare the suffering of their houses and districts. But that was all in the past. It wasn't as easy as the letters in the alphabet but knowing how long they can live for holds no number itself.

I am a fairy who was just wandering aimlessly through the trees in the forest, flapping my wings as fast as a hummingbird, soaring over branches without any problems. To fairies, flapping their wings was like breathing to humans. Little to no effort is required as such an everyday task.

As any wondering fairy, I was on a journey to nowhere, receiving nonexistent invitations.

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