Fauna's Mission

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Have you ever wondered why I came here? Me neither. During my creation, I was given an order that will depend on a future race that hasn't come to exist yet. The entity summoned me here to make this planet flourish with plants and animals. Why is that? I have to ask them the same thing, but I'm stuck traversing an unknown landscape. I was drying up faster than water lilies.

As I opened my eyes, it was nothing but a wasteland. Empty with no signs of life leading anywhere from where I'm currently. Looking as far as my eyes can see, a layer of dust is circulating on the horizon as if it was in the wind's embrace. It travelled in my direction, making my body wither, as water left my insides. The permeated air caught a whiff as my nose couldn't handle the excessive heat. It was hard to breathe, because doing so would only damage me more, so I took a light-breath to slow the decay. Liquid circulating through my body made a U-turn as it couldn't pass the entrance to my mouth. My saliva was paying rent from where it was free. There weren't any sounds to speak of, as they were getting cooked by the far-reaching sun. My feet were on fire. As if I was in a frying pan cooking myself in broad daylight.

"This is so cruel. Why would my creator send me here when I can't breathe without water? I have to give them an earful when I get back."

My condition began to worsen, when I've only just gotten here. I was feeling a bit angry. I can't believe this was the first emotion I simulated, and it was even a pretty one. Oh, the pain. Now, I am really sad. How can you do this to a poor little nature lover? My emotions got flipped on their heads. I'm not good at fighting, so I sat back and watched my brain deal damage as it aggressively flipped the switches.

"Taking a step hurts. Ahh. I wanna cry, but I can't do it now. I'm already losing so much water. Come on. Bear the pain."

I built up as much confidence as I could. Not to mention, I was walking barefoot. Sand constantly slipped into my feet and out. After a few steps...

"Ouch, ouch, ouch. That really hurts."

... I was afraid of walking. That's how far my confidence has reached. Making progress as always. Good job me.

My journey through the sand began with no destination in sight. If someone sees me right now, I hope they'll help me rather than look in amusement.


I was alone. Walking a few metres up a hill laid claim to that fact, looking from on top of a sand dune. There was this line going up, so I followed it, be it my curiosity or saviour of my feet. I was hoping it was for my feet, but my curiosity had more of a priority than most. Sadness and happiness in its own way, a single tear escaped from my eyes, said.

From there it made reality more apparent. There was truly nobody here. And if there was, they would be in the same state as I am. Fortunately, I'm the only one on the planet. Nothing has existed yet. I was struggling with what to do. I'm not talking about my feet this time, but for my objective by my creator.

"How should I go about this?" Pondering the goals of my existence. Raising and bringing new plants into this world is my speciality. "How do you create life? I only know how to raise them," I said, thinking about animals and other miniature lifeforms.

"Going along that trail, if I produce plants, wouldn't the world be the same as before? It would still be empty. Just with plants spreading their seeds around organically. I'm confused."

The explicit statement was to...

Bring plants and animals together. That's your goal.

I can create one but not the other. Maybe there's an underlying message to that statement. And if it was, I wish I'd be more obvious. It seems so straightforward, but my state of mind is going in circles. It's getting more confusing for no reason.

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