Toxic X Toxic

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“Yes. Bow before me, you underlings. For your demonic queen has arrived.”

There she was, sitting on top of the throne, throwing around a hand, ordering those who were present. She looked menacingly at the surroundings, and to the audiences in her presence. Oozing terror like no other, the contrast of her demeanor made her more enticing.

A demoness, if you will.

Her dress highlighted her voluptuous curves. Pink hair featuring some discoloration, horns came out her head.

Her narrow eyes enhanced this act. The belittling glare flew through mortal beings, as well as her surrendering combatants. Nobody within this throne room had any say. Only she, the woman with the bewitching beauty, commanded their existence. 

Warriors from the castle and outside fighters, they all kneeled in uniformed manor. On both sides of the red carpet, from the entrance to the actual throne were men dressed in silver wear with swords and various weapons waiting by their side. Heads pointing to the ground, they showed the utmost respect to their ruler. Nobody dared to speak. If they did, a headless corpse will only mess up her attire. Their insolence was an inconvenience, thus the only suitable punishment was their death.

“Now, let's begin,” she said, pondering the future events.

Before the yearly ceremony began, an intruder came through the door. That door towered to daunting heights, easily opened by said person. Not only did he interrupt, but he caught the attention of everyone. Questions arise from the lack of care in the world he had on his face.

“Wow. Isn't this a fancy place you've got here. No wonder you don't leave the castle often,” he said, scanning the area in awe.

Looking over the people present and to how high the ceiling was. The oohs and aahs escaped his mouth with each new thing that caught his interest. His attire was not from this world, but from the world above. A simple black shirt with a purple trash logo and black pants. He wasn't anybody special, at least, not special in the warrior's eyes. He was an intruder. So without a doubt, one rose with his sword and confronted the individual.

“Do you know who you are in the presence of, you human? She is the ruler of all Hell. State your insolent behavior at once!” He shouted as he walked slowly to the intruder all while taking out his sword. But the intruder poses no concern for this life or anything.

During his little tour of the place, a shadow now loomed over his body consuming his own. He turned around and spoke freely without horror or change in his voice. “Are you the tour guide? Can you show me where the buffet is? I'm starving.” 

The warrior had enough of the man's facade. Only death will suit him well. If that didn't fit him, eternal torture will do the trick. This is what the warrior thought before taking the attack and ending this man's life. But it didn't go as planned.

“Conner, how did you get here?”

One slash of her fingers towards the warrior's neck was all it took for his head to fall to the floor before knowing his own demise. His brain, not knowing what happened, tried to process what situation. His life ended without a conclusion. 

Bashfully standing behind the dead body, the girl from the throne was flustered. When the rule was broken, along with the person who had entered, she hurried and arrived once he was cornered by one of her subordinates. Not only that, but her face red to her ears showed not the aura of death, but of a teenage girl who found love for the first time.

“Not that I cared what happened to you or anything. I wouldn't even shed a tear, much less two from your death, you wanker.”

Let me rephrase.
A “tsundere” teenage girl whose feelings are convoluted like the bible Conner has not once read. Speaking of it, the Bible is more understandable than this girl, Ironmouse. If Conner read it, he could understand the holy. But of course that wouldn't work, and it would be a simple waste of time since he is a partner of the devil. What kind of partner is up to anybody to figure out.

Conner was in a daze at the sight before him. He was baffled on what to say or to straight up leave. But he couldn't do that because of this girl’s power. He wondered if he could overwhelm her. Thinking of the past, he never once did.

“I think my appetite is ruined,” he said, covering his mouth in haste. He couldn't hold it down. The nonexistent food in his stomach wanted to come out. Ironmouse rushed over to him in concern. “Are you okay?”

What looked like a helpful gesture ended with Connor throwing up all over Ironmouse's body. The sexiness was gone along with the tsundere teenage girl act. What replaced it was a girl in shock of a man she hated so much she would rather lose her voice than speak egotistical satisfactory words to him. Going down that ladder, anything but that would be fine. But this, this wasn't. She was unmoving while Conner recovered from the vomit's harsh exit. 

The warriors cowered in shock.

“Uhhh. I'm sorry about that. Woah. Ahhh.”  When Conner finally looked at her body, and finally her blazing expression, he made a beeline for the exit. With every ounce of athleticism in him throughout the years, his legs thought it would be quicker than apologizing. He could still turn around and apologize, but his legs made the right decisions for the rest of his body. They knew danger when it sensed one. From the corridor outside the throne room, a loud roar from Satan sounded towards the perpetrator.


When two toxic chemicals are mixed, who can say love can or cannot be born? So for now, they lived happily ever after.


What the hell do you think this is?
A fairy tail?

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