Future Ina

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In this environment, people dressed in the most fashionable of clothing. The ranges of dresses and suits scatter throughout this building like you're sprinkling sprinkle on an ice cream. Though the flavors are all the same, the colours show that they each have a different individual representation. One such example could be like that woman over there that is having a conversation with a male partner. The suit the man wore was a three piece suit with dress shoes that were painted in black, the woman's dress, the dress she decided to wear tonight is being dragged on the floor from the length it possessed. Starting from bottom-up, a slit for her long slender legs can be seen by everybody. Her dress was orange, so were her heels and an artificial feather kept her hair together. From this example, it means all the people in this place dressed to fit in. The ice cream being the place and the sprinkle being the attendees. One cannot do without the other, but both of them together create a gorgeous presentation of colour and taste. It was simply that exquisite the place we were in.

Speaking of the women, It wasn't looking at her out of any unsavory feelings I bore from within, it's just that she was just beautiful like another person I knew.

Her name's Kiara Calliope.

She is a beautiful Phoenix that is well loved by another girl called Mori Calliope. Both of them fell in love long before even me, before I found the book that turned me into a Tentacle creature that still has the title of human. It can be a bit confusing to some people, but I'm fully human even when I'm not. I'm special when it comes to being created this way, and for that, Ao-chan has blessed me with this form even in her book-like state.


A Light Novel Award’s Ceremony.

Throughout this building I was in, spotlights arranged in a grid like order, shined their moving lights, almost like following a subject from one area or another. They weren't bright, a bit dim enough to accompany the mood and vibe of the overall area. Tables, platforms, people, foods and beverages also fit the criteria of this atmosphere. Tables being present for special guests, a podium for collecting awards, people dress in their fanciest clothing, foods and beverages of every kind to cater to the pickiest of eaters and nonchalant ones.

I didn't have a say in any of their decisions, since I'm just a guest, and a part time illustrator of light novels. I am acquainted with a few people, those being writers, that have interest in my drawings.

Happiest knew no bonds from the overwhelming display of emotion for me working with them.

I was flustered to no one's surprise. The dad jokes and puns couldn't come out in time due to that leaving me with a beat-red face, and shying stuttering over my words until they fell to the floor. Thankfully, that was the only thing that fell to the floor, and my low supply of self confidence. I caught it over and over, over the years, before it shattered the remains from the continued meetings. Talk about a tough experience.

Besides my past, I'm doing well. If that well consists of: One, a hollowing opening in the ground. (my hopes and dreams) Two, that's devoid of light the deeper you go. (my soul) And three, has water to only fill a glass cup to wash away the thirst of lost souls, (my existence) then, that’s me. I'm that well… I'm doing well, well enough it seems.


For tonight's ceremony, I was dressed in a simple necktie dress that was purple and had tentacles coming out from behind it, oh wait, that’s me.


I wasn't in a fish bowl, but it was swimming around on land like it was the open sea. Length of each Tentacle is opposite to everybody's thoughts they had in mind. To find that out, you enter the invisible void that it came out of, and have a few teas with it to get what the answer you are looking for. Length wasn't all that important, you just have to know it is impossible to find out.

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