About Him...

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"Mom, what happened when you were little? Did you play games with your friends?"

A child at 12 years old, asked his mother an innocent question. Around the time he was playing with his friends, he looked over to his mother, who had a concerned look on her face. Going down the slide, he saw his mother tilt her head, and rested both palms on her cheeks. She may have seemed happy to others, the people in the park, but the boy knew all too well. His short life on earth played no role in his behaviour, as he was the one that dragged his birth mother along. If he lacked behaviour, understanding of how others are feeling played to his senses. It may be bad if he was truly a rascal, but that type of behaviour wouldn't be looked upon favourably in his mother's eyes.

When he asked his other mother, refusal came swiftly, as she had already decided that today would make the perfect day to construct a new building in Minecraft. Silver, honey. Take this rascal out in the open, so he can make some friends. I don't want him to end up like me when he grows up. Such were the words of his white-haired mother, doing the opposite of her desired attire.

The park air blew the last of its frosty sensations, as clouds couldn't be found in the clear blue sky. Children near and far ran from one direction to the next to see which would be first for the next joyful time they'll spend on a ride. The park sounded like an amusement park with its noise of terror as boys mistreated the girls as they were fair maidens. The screams and cries were all present, but some of them died down as boys apologized for the problems they've caused. For the others that didn't have parents with them will have a harder time bringing back evidence to see if their story holes true. Mothers and other guardians sat around the edges of the park, watching the children play with one another. Sometimes, they will reluctantly get up to solve an issue if any was caused.

That didn't go to one mother, who was sitting face to face with her son, who had feelings not of his own. His head tilted, or to say, his eyes tilted up and down from the ground, as he asked his mother an innocent question, hands behind his back.

"What makes you say that, sweetheart?" She probed her son at a question that she deemed wasn't very normal.

"Because you have this sad look on your face," he said, making eye contact longer than usual.

His mother did a self-diagnosis on herself. First, she wondered, why was her son feeling the way he did at the face she was making? To her, it didn't seem like any other face she had in the past with him. It could be a need for comfort, guessing something is wrong with her, well, in fact, nothing out of the ordinary was happening. For example, in a relationship that didn't require the need of the other partner's feelings, the need for the question is to see they're on the same page when they are totally in sync. Which could bizarrely make sense. It could also be that her mind wasn't in the present moment, and looking beyond seeing her son for what he is, and who he could be, making him seem that way to her. Out of all the conclusions she can bring to a close, the thought process of them could all be right. The question is which one?

"Mommy is okay." She reached out a hand to the boy's head to ease any concern he had for her. "Mommy may not be perfect, but she too has problems now and then. So whatever you're feeling, mommy will ease it, and try to be the best version of herself just for you."

The son, the boy, wasn't so easily swayed, even with a smile on his face that showed his enjoyment of her touch. The heart and actions of his body worked on two different scales for his mother. Especially this mother of his, Silver. He knew that her heart bore some strong memories of the past that she couldn't talk about. His other mother warned him on the topic, and it shows.

All the while she was rubbing his head, this smile on her face didn't show happiness or joy of him having fun. It's like she's looking for something that isn't there. Not knowing how she felt made him feel compelled to ask her upfront, but he was too shy and weak-willed when it came to her mother. The one hiding her emotions.

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