BaeRyS Ballroom Night

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zʅǝɐꓭ soʞɐH

The night was dark, with birds chirping from the darkness. On a hill, sit a castle with a lone girl waiting for someone to arrive from the inside. Tonight, was the ball they'll dance and enjoy the blessing of each other's company. Close to midnight, she was waiting in front of the Ballroom door. She was waiting patiently for her partner to arrive, so they could spend the night.

She thought, what's taking her so long? we've spent last night together. Make-up isn't a multi-layer formula to cover up mistakes. 

What was a routine for her was taking an eternity for the other. Questioning the lengths she has to go through, only to remove it before retiring in one's bed. It was the thought she had of make-up, simply. It wasn't to make someone a completely different person but to enhance someone's beauty to gain the attraction of the chosen sex.

She stumped her heel on the ground, letting it echo throughout the hall. While she thought she couldn't be anymore late, the noise behind her reverberated more with jazz-filled sound hypnotizing people's feet on the dance floor. She was missing out for the sake of one girl, so she decided to wait for the sake of undisclosed reasons.

Wearing a red dress that captivated even the brutes of forces, her beauty stood next to none. Her red heel stood at average height, separating her presence from the ground with designed symmetry. Her make-up was light since invented beauty products couldn't highlight what was already captivating.

"I'm sorry, Bae," said someone entering the area hastily. What Bae saw was someone running down the halls in a caveman manor. She had her heels in hand, lifting the hems of her dress while carrying a miniature bag on her shoulder. Albeit, a recent century caveman, but this one had more concern for time than the previous generations. Bae eyed the rushed woman heading towards her. She was the reason that she was waiting so patiently. So very patient in fact, the night almost ended before it had started.

"Oh, nice to see you, IRyS. Did you have fun putting on your make-up? It seems like you did. How very stunning of you," Bae answered IRyS lateness to the ball. She had so much fun waiting in fact, the make-up on IRyS' face looked drained to her. Unfiltered even. Bae wasn't the flattery type, but tonight, she could hold back one bit. Not even two compliments would make her feel this lucky.

"I'm sorry, again, Bae. I was a bit caught up in make-up and I missed the taxi to come here. I had to order a new one. Here I am now. Aren't pleased that I've arrived at least?" said IRyS with an exhausted breath. From the entrance to the Ballroom was a considerable distance between each other. Knowing that she'll be late, Bae thought she'd run to make up for the lost time. Not that it mattered. Bae's mood was ruined like the place Egyptians slept and woke up by an archeologist. Sour only began to describe the favors.

"Are you gonna stand there and talk, or we're not going into the Ballroom?" Bae questioned rather, honestly. She had been waiting for who knows how long, so wasting more time didn't seem to suit the fashionably late person. Speaking of them, Bae watches with arms folded, at the girl in front of her. Seconds later, she took action.

"Couldn't you be a little more kind?" was all Bae heard before she prepared herself to go into the Ballroom. It took rather long by Bae's calculation, but who can complain when it's already a waste of time just watching her. Bae headed in before, seemed to have run out of patience more than breath IRyS could offer.

"You're not even going to wait for me? How cruel can you get?" IRyS complained, even though Bae thought she had no room to speak.


As Bae opened the door, she saw a familiar scene that had captivated her less than once more. In the center of the Ballroom was an endless sea of lights, shining around it with orange colours. The music caught Bae's ears as it went on a deep discovery to find the rhythm within her sulked nature. People chatter endlessly about random topics. It was hard for Bae to discern the nature of the conversations. People dressed fashionably in the fanciest dress and suits, Bae couldn't even care for how intricate the patterns were.

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