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"Ahahaha! Kati! You naughty man! You literally pranked those stupid guards! I can't believe you're really gonna do it!"

"Aguilar" giggled as she looked at the nervous Kati who seems to close in sweating and chuckled.

"I-I told you I can! I'm not just a....a innocent....countrymaster that is a coward."

"Ehhh, you're just defending yourself but nice try....."

Aguilar sighs and patted Kati's shoulder "I can't wait to make more fun and stupid memories with you" she smiled while Kati who seems to be confused why he said that.

But smiled and chuckled

"Me too...."


Months later

I never knew I'll get close to him...but he doesn't know that it's me...it pains me when he see's the real me and acts like he was forced to...

Was it because I'm a daughter of a very wealthy family?...is he shy that he might think that..

"All wealthy people? I think they're so over the poor....tsk, mga nagmumukhang anghel lang sila para suportahan....sa loob, mga diablo silang lahat..."

Hearing that come out of his mouth...I felt heartbroken once again, This is what I get! When you get closer to someone...they'll show you their true colors..

Sometimes, it's a bad color...sometimes it's a very rich and lively one...sometimes...It's all mixed that I can't understand him..

"Well...what if...let's say that..one noble liked the poor?..what if they really fell for them?....do you think that it's just because it's fake?..."

Kati sighs as he drinks the lambanog from a cup,

".....I can't answer that....I don't even know if that'll be true, maybe the rich wants the poor to abuse or take what's theirs..."

.....you don't really believe that there are people like me that is kindly hearted and true?...

"Wow...so cold....so you don't know of it's happening to others?....well maybe you're right or wrong....but we can't change each of everyones faith and destinies..—"

Kati slowly leaned towards my face as I gripped onto the cup that I was holding, I could smell his scent....his drunk but he looks sober...


My cheeks slowly turned into a flustered one as I looked somewhere else but I felt rough hands touched my chin...making me face his beautiful crimson eyes.

Glistening to mines...

"What if....The poor fell for the rich?....can that happen too?..."

Gasping as our mouths where so close...I kept my gaze towards his eyes.


Sighing in relief once Kati paid his attention to Aguilars full cup of lambanog, and he smiled at him.

"I-I don't know.....—"

Aguilar tries his best to calm himself down and sighs,

"Oh well....you're not gonna drink yet?....I feel like I'm the only one who's getting drunk...are you scared~?"

Oh there he goes again, Rosa/Aguilar rolled her eyes and drinked the full cup as she felt the burn in her throat.

She sighs and coughed while Kati chuckled and patted his back.

Soon enough, Aguilar hiccuped as he took another cup, chugging into it while wiping the spills off his mouth.

"Hey....you kinda remind me of a beautiful lady I know..."

Kati then took the half empty cup that Aguilar was holding as he continues to hiccup,

"W-wadya...mean *hic*....you—"

Aguilar pointed at Kati who's looking at the lambanog on the cup...who seems sober.

"You...you remind me of someone I *hic* like so much...Hahaha..."

Kati drinked his....third cup...and placed it down the small Nara table, he looked at the suspicious man infront of him in a serious manner.

"I see...but...Who brought you here?"

Kati then watched the drunk man(woman) infront of him trying to recall some things, and soon, his eyes squinted.

"Who?...eh ho? Brought me *hic* here? My parents! Ofcourse....andbesides....—"

Aguilar slowly felt his eyelids closing but before he collapsed on the floor, Kati quickly caught him who's confused and surprised.

"W-what do you mean? You're not a—"

"Hehe....you're so FunNy when You tAlk *hic* you sound like ah.....carabao....*hic*"

Kati felt....more confused...he thought that...Aguilar was a spy but now...he thinks that his just a normal fello—

He then held both of Aguilars shoulders and wanted to apologize.

"So you're not a spy....but why did you want to be friends with me—!!!"

Kati was much more surprised that the "man" wrapped his arms around his neck and embraced him. His eyes widened.

He thought that something was wrong with him...his not gay...right?

"Wait- Aguilar....what are you—"

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