Chapter 11 3rd person's pov

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Ari didn't want to continue associating herself with a man who was threatening and blackmailing her cousin and also tried to kill her aunt, Terri. She didn't know that was what he was doing until Kaylee told her. Now that Aunt Terri was safely in Atlanta, she knew what she had to do.

She was keeping a horrible secret and she wanted to tell Kaylee everything but she didn't know where to start. She always thought that Kaylee was the strong one and she was the weak person in the family.

She was not perfect. She had made a lot of mistakes and bad choices in her life. She was going to break up with him and then she was going to leave the US and go someplace where he couldn't find her. She knew that if she stayed after she broke it off with him, he was going to kill her.

She looked at the bowl of cereal sitting on the dining table and instantly felt nauseous. She rushed inside the bathroom and hung her head over the bowl. She slowly got up off her knees and rinsed her mouth.

She looked down at her flat stomach and smiled. Yes, she was six weeks pregnant but she didn't know who the father was. No one knew that she was pregnant but she was going to write a letter to Kaylee before she leave and tell her everything.

She had thought about doing an abortion but after carefully thinking, she pushed the thought out of her head.

'I'm going to bring my baby. I have to protect myself and my unborn child.' She thought. She quietly closed the bathroom door as she heard her cell phone ring, snapping her back to reality.

She nervously took up the phone and accepted the call.

"Hi, I'm glad that you call. There's something that I need to tell you." Her voice was cracking up. Her hands were shaking.

"I'm all ears, Ari." The man said to her.

"W-We have to stop seeing each other. I'm moving on with my life. Please stop calling me. I have to go now."

"No, Ari, we're not done until I say so." The person stated calmly. "I know that you've been spending a lot of time with your lil cousin and she's been telling you whole lotta things about me."

Ari's voice was shaking as she replied to him. "No, please, leave Kaylee alone. You've done enough to her. She didn't tell me anything. I swear."

"I don't believe you, Ari." The man was very enraged. "I thought that you were different but you're just like all the other bitches! You're nothing but a dirty lil slut!" He yelled and hung up.

Ari quickly went upstairs to her matrimonial bedroom. She went and pulled out the chair from around the desk which was at her bedside. She sat down and wrote two letters. One was for Kaylee. She told her everything and told her that she will contact her as soon as she landed. She was going to tell her housekeeper to give it to Kaylee for her. She was boarding her flight to the Maldive Islands in the next three hours.

She heard a light knock on the door. It was her housekeeper, Monica.

"Come in, Monica, it's open," Ari said softly.

"Mrs. Adams, I'm leaving now. I'll see you in the morning." Monica said to her.

"Oh, sure. On your way home, can you stop by Kaylee's apartment and give this to her for me? She'll be home by then."

Monica nodded. "Okay, I'll do that," She took the letter from Ari and put it in her handbag.

"Thanks so much, Monica."

"You're welcome, ma'am. Are you okay?" She asked because she saw that Ari's eyes were red and puffy. She knew that she was crying.

"I'm fine, Monica. I'm just feeling a little tired, that's all." Ari gave her a bittersweet smile.

"Okay, Mrs. Adams. Have a good night and get some rest." She said as she opened the bedroom door.

"Thanks, Monica, and same to you. Be careful on the road now."

"I will, ma'am," Monica said as she saw the suitcase laying on the floor. "Mrs. Adams, are you and Mr. Adams going on a vacation or something?"

Ari looked at the suitcase as she replied to her. "Oh, no. That's Jonathan's suitcase. I'm going to unpack his stuff for him."

"Okay, then. Goodnight."

Ari smiled and nodded at her.


Michael opened his car door and went inside. His cell phone rang as he inserted the keys into the ignition.

"Yes, boss."

"I want you and Blase to kill Arivana."

"When do you want it done?" Michael asked him.

He knew that Arivana was Kaylee's cousin. He and Blase were the ones who tried to run Terri off the road and also tried to rape Kaylee a few weeks ago.

"I want it done tonight. I found out that she's pregnant with another man's child and she's planning on leaving me. She's boarding a plane to the Maldives Islands in less than three hours. Do not let her leave." He then hung up his phone and smirked.

'That bitch doesn't know who she's playing with.' He thought.

Michael turned up the volume of the music and sped off.


Ari took one final look at the house that she shared with Jonathan. He had purchased it for her as a wedding present.

She was going to miss everyone but she had to do what was best for herself and her baby.

She wished that she could go back in time and not make those bad choices but she couldn't. She pulled her suitcase as she went and opened the door.

When she opened the door, she saw someone standing on the front porch. The person was wearing a mask and they had a black hoodie over their head.

She was trembling as she felt her heart pounding inside her stomach. Her eyes opened wide with fear.

Blase pulled his gun from his waist and aimed it at her.

Ari let go of the suitcase and ran back inside the living room. She tried to shut the door but Blase was stronger than her. He pushed the door vigorously which caused Ari to fall on her back.

"Please don't kill me! I'll give you all the money that I have! Somebody help me, please!" She screamed as Blase pulled the trigger and shot her in the head and abdomen.

Her lifeless body lay on the floor in a pool of blood.

Blase then walked out of the house. He went inside the car where Michael was waiting for him. He took the mask off his face and nodded at Michael to let him know that Ari was dead.

Michael then sped off.

"Boss, the job is done," Michael said.

"Good." He said and then he disconnected the call.


A/N: Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting people. I appreciate it. I want to hurry and complete this book. I hope that y'all will love this chapter. The previous chapter was a bit flat. Be safe and I 💗 you all. ✌

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