Chapter 55 - College

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"Okay." The two of them hugged one more time before Margret took Vaughan's suitcase with her and left the room.

Vaughan made her way into the bathroom, taking her clothes with her. She shut down the door, having a quick shower and got dressed and cleaned up. Today she wore a long pink t-shirt with a red belt, black lou-lou lemon shorts and a red baseball cap.

She stepped back into her room, slipping on her fathers old army dog tag necklace before grabbing her laptop bag and hoisting the strap over her shoulder. She walked over to the door, taking one last look at her room with a smile before shutting the lights and closing the door behind her.

She jogged down the stairs, meeting up with her mother once again. She slipped her neon pink high tops on before hugging her mother one more time and going out the door. Her father was leaning against the van, parked in the drive way, the trunk full of boxes and her suitcase.

"How's my college girl doing this morning?" The man grinned.

"Fine father." Vaughan smiled as the two hugged.

Margret followed behind, joining in on the group hug. As they departed, a loud honk sounded. Another van pulled up in front of the house, as Daphine jumped out and ran towards her friend.


"Daphine!" Vaughan cried as she raced over to her friend, the two nearly tackling each other in a bear hug.

"I can't believe it! The two of us moving to New York! How cool is that?!" Daphine exclaimed.

"I'm so glad you two will get to see each other over there." said Margret. "It's while it is fun to meet new people, it's always a good idea to stay close to people you already know."

"We're going to have an awesome time! We'll see the sights, do some shopping, go out to eat together, maybe see a show! And--"

"Don't forget school you know. That's the main reason you two are even going!" a voice called.

The two girls looked over to see Josh and his father pull up in front of the house in their car.

"Josh? You're heading off to New York today too?" Vaughan asked.

"Yeah! My uncle needs help setting up shop, so I decided to leave early." He answered.

"Oh, wouldn't it be so cool if we were all on the same plane?" Daphine suggested.

"That would be pretty neat. Hey dad, which airline am I on again?" Josh asked, turning to his father.

"Your ticket says you're on Air Canada, flight 217." His father answered, reading the ticket.

Daphine gasped loudly, followed by a squeal. "No way! Us too! Me and Vaughan were already on the same plane to begin with, but now that we're all on the same plane, this is going to be totally fantastic!"

"Calm down Daphine, we still need to say goodbye and actually GET ON the plane first." said Vaughan.

Daphine shot Vaughan a playful glare. "You are such a buzz kill sometimes."

"But that's not all! There's more!" Josh announced.

"Hello!" Andrew yelled, popping out from hiding in the back passenger seat.

"Andrew? What are you doing in there?" Vaughan ask as she and Daphine ran over to the car.

"Since my college term doesn't start until January, Josh and his uncle are letting me stick around with them and work at the shop." He explained.

"That's great!" Daphine smiled.

"Perfect! Now all four of you can stay together." said Margret.

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