"It was the weekend. I went out on a little vacation myself, you know, have some fun outside of town. I was getting sick of staying on the same place to not add the school. But more importantly, why Asia was in front of my door..?"

The mentioned girl flinched a little at this as Issei chuckled nervously.

"You see... Since I tried to call you a couple of minutes ago. We tried to look inside of your house through the windows."

Y/N eyed at Issei hoping that he hadn't seen Valiana or his two pawns. Seeing them again more specifically Raynare could cause some proble.

"And what did you see?"

"Nothing much. But I have to tell you, you really need to fix up your kitchen. Is a mess, I mean, a certain part of the wall is cracked to not mention the floor. It's looks like a hurricane passed through your kitchen."

He wasn't far from what happened in reality.

Valiana was a force of nature and so he was. So it wasn't strange that the aftermath of every little... meetings they had ended on a disaster.

Well, at least they didn't destroyed his entire home that would have been an issue.

"So you're invading my privacy just because I didn't picked up your phone calls and neither replied your text? That's weird."

Y/N grabbed his phone and as he expected. It was on airplane mode, something he did a lot to not consume a lot of battery. He deactivated the mode off and as Issei said he had a couple of missed calls and texts.

"In my defense, most of the calls were made because I was pressed by my mom, she considers you a son already and she was worried sick when I said you weren't home."

This revelation made the H/C teenager feel a little bad. Issei's mother was a good person and he hated to make her worry about him. You could say she was almost his foster mother.

"I'll go after school to your house. I should apologize to her or else I won't have any food on Christmas."

On festive days he spent the majority of time on Issei's house due to the fact that he didn't had any relatives to spend the special days with.

"Oh and also I wanted you to actually meet Asia."

Y/N looked to the timid girl and grinned at the brown haired teenager

"Is she your girlfriend perhaps?"

At the g mention Asia went beet red and Issei scratched the back of his hair with a faint blush too.


Asia blurted in embarrassment as Y/N laughed at her reaction

"Well no, she isn't my girlfriend..."

"Is that right? You two seems pretty close, both metaphoric and literally. I mean, a little more and she is hogging your arm that has to mean something besides friendship. Though I have t admit, I am surprised to see a girl who isn't grossed out by your pervert antics."

"Would you shut up? Girls love me!"

Issei said with pride. Perhaps Rias Gremory acceptance inflated his ego exponentially.

"Yeah. They love hitting you and I know best since I am always dragged into problems because of your occurrences. I almost got killed that day when you practically dragged me peak the kendo club girls."

"You went willingly! So it's mostly your fault."

Unbeknownst to both male Asia was fantasizing about how to be Issei's girlfriend would be. Needless to say she mentally squealed in delight.

The Black Dragon Emperor (High School DxD X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now