10. The Power of Knocking

Start from the beginning

Instead of saying anything, I cleared my throat which caused him to whip his head upwards.

Silent surprise overtook his features as he realized his mistake before he placed his pen down and leaned back in his chair, his eyes not leaving my face.

"Ophelia, I didn't think you were the type to knock."

My smile was organic, not the forced customer service smile he had witnessed, just the tips of them curling as I pulled out a chair and sat down. I ignored the shivers that threatened to climb down my spine as my name fell from his lips.

I watched as his eyes roamed my figure in the outfit and I didn't shy away from his attention, squaring my shoulders and crossing my legs. I wouldn't show him the way he affected me as confidence thrummed through my veins.

"I apologize, next time I'll make sure to barge in, Sir" I quipped back, my voice strong.

The corners of his mirrored mine, turning upwards at the lips.

"What can I do for you, Ophelia?" He asked, leaning over his large desk and resting his forearms on the mess of papers.

"I'm not sure where I should work," I said, not taking my eyes off of his, a challenge of sorts.

Neither of us broke our eye contact, a battle similar to the one we shared when I first met him.

He waved his hand, gesturing me to look behind me and that's when I noticed the desk that was placed on the other side of the room facing his.

I turned my head back to his, disbelief obvious in my eyes.

"You want me to work in here?" I asked.

A mischievous smile crawled onto his face, turning his face into something more dangerous than what I was used to.

"Exactly, get comfortable Ophelia," He turned his head back down to his papers, "I've left a list of things to do on your desk."

And just like that, I was dismissed. He had better things to worry about so I slowly lifted myself from the chair and walked over to the desk, not failing to notice how his dwarfed mine in all aspects.

The paper he spoke about lay innocently on my desk, with another stack of papers next to it, needing to be checked through and signed.

With a sigh, I started to absently flick my way through the papers, realizing that they were all documents that needed to be filled out to be able to legally register the establishment as a gentleman's club.

I looked at the next pile of documents seeing that they were all blank contracts that needed each girl's personal details ranging from their birthdate to place of residence to be able to register them as legitimate employees at the club.

I read through the contract, a set salary as well as a guarantee of keeping their tips as well as included health insurance, extending to any children or family members that they could prove lived under their care.

Any family members?

My mind immediately jumped to Robbie.

"Health insurance?" I asked him from across the room, not looking up from the paper.

Silence spanned for a few seconds as I guessed he was trying to figure out what I was talking about.

I glanced up and met his eyes.

"Yes, of course, health insurance will be provided, did you not fully read your contract?" He teased, immediately making me regret my questioning

I could feel the beginnings of embarrassment in my stomach but I didn't let it show.

"I didn't get that much of a chance," I quickly shot back, returning to the documents.

For the next few hours, I filled out document after document to try and register the club as a legal establishment as it wasn't filled out by my old boss.

After the night had just about rounded up, I went back into the changing room to be able to hand out the contracts to the girls, who were all equally surprised about the insurance as well as the fact they would be getting contracts.

Still in my outfit, I returned to the office, making sure not to knock, and bent over to collect my stuff.

"I have to admit, I'm quite fond of this view," The boss spoke from his desk, making embarrassment flood through my veins yet again.

I quickly straightened myself out again, not letting his comment get to me as I picked up the sheets that had all the girl's private dances listed and handed them to him.

"I wouldn't get used to it if I were you," I shot back, not missing the small tilt of his lips.

He quickly skimmed over the list before picking up a pen and scratching out a few names before finally reaching my name, making me want to punch his smug smirk off his face.

With me still watching, he wrote in a time for tomorrow and wrote the client name as 'Alessandro' before looking back at me.

"Until tomorrow, Ophelia,"

With my heart in my throat, I walked out of the office, only being able to capture air back into my lungs once I reached the safety of my apartment. 


What are y'all thinking?

Do you know how the plot finna go?

2075 words

okay, bye

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