Chapter 23 - The sulking Princess

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It had been about five hours since Yoshinon retreated and currently, Shidou was trying to talk to Tohka who was inside her room.

"......Fuun. Don't bother me... Hurry up and go to that side stupid idiot."

And with that response the matter ended like that. Tohka was completely sulking.

"No good huh?"

Syouji asked as he coughed and further covered himself with a blanket and took a sip of the soup Shidou made for him.

"Haah~ yeah... What am I supposed to do...?"

Right now, Shidou was at a complete loss and sighed gloomily while rubbing his temple with his fingers.

"Mm. It's been hours since she came out... But don't worry she'll come out eventually. Kotori said, I would feel better tomorrow, so I'll try talking to her." Syouji said with a weak voice.

"Hmm? Why do you think she would talk to you?" Shidou replied.

"Well, I'm her best friend... after what happened, our friendship may have been damaged, but it's not as bad as her relationship with you. Do not underestimate the power of friendship Shidou."

"Huh? Wait hold on, what's this about a relationship?"

<Hey Shidou. Got a moment? There is something I want to confirm.>

At that moment, Shidou was interrupted as Kotoris voice came from the intercoms.

"Ah......?What now, this isn't the right time for that."

Shidou spoke, confusing Syouji who quickly realized he was talking to Kotori and swiftly grabbed his earpiece and placed it in his ear.

<Shidou,you really did kiss Yoshinon properly, right?> Kotori asked in a skeptical tone.

"......Uh-huh?What's this all of a sudden......?" Shidou replied with a shrill voice from the sudden question.

<Just answer, at that time Shidou and Yoshinon's lips met together. That isn't a mistake,correct?>

"......Ah, yeah......"


"S-So what's wrong with that?" Shidou asked as Syouji raised an eyebrow.

"Eh? You're asking such a question after admitting to having kissed a child? Honestly, you're hopeless. I might just call the cops on you."

Syouji shrugged and said so in a teasing voice.

"I told you already, that was an accident!" Shidou retorted as Kotori cleared her throat to seemingly regain their attention.

<Actually, instead of chastising you for doing that, I would even praise you for achieving the goal we were aiming for.>

"...Then what is it?" When Shidou asked, Kotori after groaning [umu] replied:

<It would seem that even though you kissed,you couldn't seal any of the Spirit's power at all.>

After being told thatnSyouji's eyes widened a bit as we looked at each other in disbelief, but he quickly put on a straight face.

"That's right. Even after Shidou kissed [Yoshinon], she was still using her Spirit powers." Syouji pointed out

"But why?" Shidou asked.

<Well, the affection level wasn't raised as high as that time with Tohka and of course sealing all of the power is impossible, but even so it is a little concerning that not even a little bit of it could be sealed. In numerical values, I thought that even at that stage it would be divided by 2 or even 3.> After saying that, she once again returned to talking to herself.

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