After a long shower I peruse the clothes in the walk in closet carefully selecting my attire for the day. Opting for a simple look, I settle on a makeup adorned with black mascara coated lashes and a touch of gold glitter delicately applied on the inner corners. My lips boast a stunning matte red hue as I gently brush my hair allowing it to cascade down my back. I slip on a white cropped tshirt pairing it with blue, baggy and distressed jeans with a pair of pristine white sneakers.

Aria and Jodan drop by the apartment to visit for the first time and Aria states her intention to not reside in the dorms as well. "I'll be commuting to campus from my own apartment." She enters the guest room where she and Jodan will be staying whenever they spend the night.

"Same to me, my penthouse isn't that far from campus." Jordan says.

My bestfriends moved out of their homes last year upon reaching the age of eighteen. They also have household staff and butlers managing all affairs within their households. "You've done a great job so far." Aria remarks referring to how polished and sparkly the apartment is. "I commend you on your hardwork."

"I didn't actually do it, I received assistance," I confess and she bursts into laughter unable to contain her amusement at my statement. Her laughter fills the room causing her to quickly cover her mouth with her hand in an attempt to stifle the sound. I shoot her a glare in annoyance at being laughed at. "Why're you laughing at me? You can be so mean," I tease gently pushing her away in a playful manner. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she sticks her tongue out at me, playfully mocking my reaction. Unable to resist the temptation, I retaliate by grabbing her shoulders and initiating a mock fight on the bed.

The room fills with laughter and playful banter as we engage in a friendly wrestling match, tickling and tussling with each other. Jodan standing on the side, watches the scene unfold with amusement, capturing the moment on video.

Our laughter resounds, echoing the joy and carefree atmosphere in the room. The bed becomes a makeshift arena, a testament of the strong bond and comfortable camaraderie shared between Aria and I. Every playful gesture and exchange of banter reveals the depth of our connection and ease with which we navigate our friendship. As our mock fight continues, the sound of laughter intertwines with the occasional squeals and protests between us. Surrounded by warmth and affection, I find solace in the company of my bestfriend who understands and appreciates me.

In the midst of playful antics and laughter, Aria and I remain entangled on the bed, our bodies intertwined. She seizes the opportunity, swiftly flipping us over, assuming control as she climbs on top of me. Her energy is infectious as she playfully punches my arm, her touch gentle. Grasping her hand, I raise it to my lips biting her finger softly and provoking a melodramatic scream from her that fills the air as she curses at me. Jodan who has been watching the scene decides to join in, putting his phone away and reaching out holding on to her legs gently pulling her out of bed. He wraps his arms around her, enveloping her in a comforting hug. As he presses gentle kisses on Aria's neck, I laugh harder at how childish she is.

"Babe, she bit me. Look," Aria pouts displaying her finger and he leans in kissing it, all while glaring at me and I roll my eyes getting off the bed.

"Stop being so dramatic." I exclaim, gently pushing her aside and she comes back slapping my ass, Jodan positioning himself between us so we don't fight again. "You were mocking me because I don't know how to do any chores. Just grant me a few months and I shall master them effortlessly. Watch me."

"Chores are so hard to do, why're you even bothered?" she remarks, turning around and planting a kiss on Jodan's lips, unaffected by my presence. These two are so shameless.

They've been in a relationship for four years, starting from their time in high school. Despite the length of their relationship, they're still ever clingy and touchy with each other all the time. Nothing has changed. "I can't stand you two horny freaks." Aria grabs Jodan's tshirt pushing him onto the bed and climbing on top of him, his hands sliding to her ass and he squeezes harshly causing her to emit a whimper. Grabbing a pillow I throw it at them, striking them both before exiting the room.

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