The One With the Deal

Start from the beginning

I could hear the shifting and cracking at Neal's fingers elongated and changed, claws coming out. 

Neal made the first move, lunging toward his father, claws out. He landed the shot across his fathers face just before his father was able to move out of the way causing Neal to stumble forward slightly. 

The Alpha came back with a solid hit to Neal's back, taking him to the ground. 

His father brought his foot toward his son, but Neal grabbed it in time. He yanked his father's foot sharply, causing the man to lose his balance. 

Alpha Stryker made a loud thud as he hit the ground. 

Neal grappled with him. It was a tangle of limbs as they struggled, but neither had clear advantage. Neal cried out as his father landed a set of claws on his abdomen. 

I couldn't breathe as I watched the two. 

Neal managed to get away, moving back to get space between the two of them. 

I looked down at the cuffs still on my wrist. If there was a way to get them off, then I could help him. I could get inside his father's head, redirect him, something. I pulled at the cuffs, but it was no good. I had no strength, no abilities at all. 

Neal's father had him up against the wall, landing hit after hit to the gut. His hand red from Neal's blood. 

Even from across the room I could hear a crack of his ribs as Neal cried out. 

His father stepped back. "Have you had enough? This is pointless, son. You know that I am right."

Neal spat blood onto the floor. "No." His eyes hardened into a look I had never seen before. 

The Alpha made a clicking sound with his mouth. He went in for another punch, but Neal moved at the last second. His father's hand landed on the concrete wall and he let out a hiss. 

Neal threw a punch that connected with his father's jaw, causing him to stumble back. He went in again, this time for the stomach. 

His father bent over and Neal went with an elbow to his father's back before wrapping his arm around the Alpha's neck. Neal's father dug his claws into his son's arm as he squeezed tight. 

Neal gritted his teeth and applied more pressure. 

His father struggled but he couldn't break the hold. After a few moments his grip on his son's arm loosened and dropped. 

Neal kept the hold around his father's neck. 

"Neal! Neal stop," I said, pressing closer to the bars. 

He kept the hold, not even looking in my direction. 


"No," he growled.

"Neal, if you don't stop you will kill him."

"He was going to kill you." He couldn't break his eyes away from the back of his father's head. 

"Then be better than him!"

Neal's amber eyes turned to me; they were cold and distant. He searched my face, and after a moment loosened his grip around his father's neck. The Alpha's body dropped to the floor with a thud. 

I let out a breath I'd been holding and my forehead pressed against the bars. 

Neal rummaged through his father's pockets until he found a set of keys. He came over and unlocked the door, stepping inside and quickly unlocking the cuffs around my wrists. 

The metal dropped to the floor and he laced his fingers in mine. That electric feeling flooding through my hands and up my arms. He pulled me in close and pressed his lips against mine hard. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, pressing me up against him. 

I pressed my head against him, my head resting in the crook of his neck and he brought one hand to the back of my head, his fingers tangling through my hair. 

Neither of us moved or said anything, afraid if we did then it would fall apart. 

Neal's father started to move. 

Neal moved me behind him, keeping a tight grip on my hand as his father started to come to and get his bearings. 

"Let's get out of here now," he said. 

We started toward the door and his father stood. 

"Where do you think you're going?" He growled.

"We are leaving. You are done here."

"The hell we are!" He lunged at us and Neal deflected him. 

"You lost. We are done. Let us leave now, and you can do a formal announcement to the pack and step down with dignity. Fight us, and I will announce the change in power under the circumstances."

"You wouldn't." His father glared, the amber flashing through with rage. 

"Try me," Neal whispered. 

Neal's father let out a low growl but didn't stop us as Neal unlocked the door. We walked out, Neal never breaking eye contact with his father until the door closed. 

"Are you okay," he asked me. 

I nodded. "I think I need to make a couple stops though."

I needed to talk to Abs and my mom. I had to let them know that I was okay. I needed to let them know what was happening. 

Neal nodded and we left, heading toward my home. 


And here we are, back in action!

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