Start from the beginning

"Good morning." He seems amused.

You immediately notice him across your bed sitting on your white reading chair by the window. The God rays are hurting your overly sensitive eyes as you squint them to study him but fail. You can only make out his giant built comfortably sitting on your favorite part of your bedroom. He is in a dark suit and his shoes are very shiny that it glints with the sun rays. You can't clearly see his facial features. You are just sure that he is smiling at you and there is a dent of shadows on his cheeks.

"Who are you? How did you get inside?" Your voice croaks with panic. Your body is shaking in fear but you try to look calm as you remain in the safety of your bed. Your mind run wild with the stranger in front of you, thinking of murder then rape, or rape then murder? You don't know. Will this be your end? Is this it? Will someone see your dead body on your sheets bathed with your blood? You horrifyingly gasp as you feel so endangered with the eyes that seems piercing your whole being. You can't see his face but your intuition tells you that he is not someone to trifle with. He is a man for goodness sake. He can easily choke you to death at this very moment.

"Relax. I am not here to hurt you." He calmly says as he remains seated. He seems to avoid any drastic movement that would make you more afraid. "Your landlord allowed me get inside after convincing him that I am your boyfriend."

"W-w-who? I-I-I d-d-don't have one. And h-h-how?" Gosh... your voice is cracking. Your eyes are starting to tear up with the harsh sunbeam and the fear on your nerves. You want to ran away but the fear had already devoured you whole, crippling you to stay on your sheets. It's a wonder that you haven't wet yourself yet. 

"I know." He gently says. "It's indecent for a man to be in a woman's bedroom without her permission. Your landlord was trying hard to listen to your door as I came to see you. I had no other way but to introduce myself as your boyfriend. I assure you. I mean no harm. I am just here before you could meet Mr. Ryu."

"Mr. Ryu?" You echo, confused. The question may be quite displaced as oppose of asking about your landlord. How else, the man is indeed a freak... a pervert... and a lot more. Time can only tell when that man would resort to more than sniffing your hanged clothes and creepily greeting you every morning and afternoon. If only the  rent weighs more than that sorry excuse of a man. Anyways... forget that landlord... you should focus what is now.

"I am one of your employer Ms. Yeom. I am a very busy person, and since I have some minutes to spare before a meeting, I would like to see you... privately. So, forgive me to have startled you at this hour." His voice soothing to your ears as he states his reasons. As your brain finally functions rationally, your panic subsides.

"God!" You exasperatedly whisper. You don't want to insult him or something. He might be a lying psycho. You have to tread lightly.

"I am truly sorry." There is sincerity in his voice. The curve of his lips is a bit obvious now as the sun rises and the sunbeam slowly resides. But with your awful vision, you can't still manage to see his whole features. Where are your glasses anyway if you need it? Ahhh... you left it by your reading nook, just beside where the stranger or rather your employer sits.


"I haven't signed yet. Therefore, you are not my employer." You say. Your voice fails you in your attempt to be as confident as you could be. It still wavers, making it a bit weak.

"Yet." He points it out. "That's the thing. Miss Yeom. Are there any in the stipulations that is not right? lacking? Or perhaps you want more?" He curiously asks.

"Yes... I mean... No... I..." You can't speak. How can you say that there is no lacking but rather it was too much?

"You can tell me now and I'll see to it that Mr. Ryu will add them in the contract." He clasps his hands, very professional and businesslike.

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