Shouldn't I be the one reassuring him? And didn't it matter what these people thought? If Zale wanted to be a successful leader, he would need allies. Pointing these things out would have only made the situation worse, so I nodded and said, "Okay," and hoped that would be the end of it.

Astrea seemed happy to change the subject. She launched herself onto Zale's bed and said, "I can't believe you're going to a party in Vidonia and I'm not. I wonder what Dad will think." There was a vindictive smile on her face as she said this, like she wanted him to be upset with her.

"Hopefully, he won't think much of it one way or another," Zale said.

Astrea looked down at her hands, which were twisted together. "I just want him to care that I'm gone," she said.

That melted away Zale's irritation in an instant. My chest ached at how young she sounded. I forgot, sometimes, that Astrea was still so young. "He cares," Zale said.

Astrea scoffed. "You don't know him." Her eyes filled with horror and she stuttered apologies until Zale held up his hands.

"It's okay. I don't know him, but I know he cares about appearances. You're a crack in the façade of his happy family, so I know he cares you're gone."

It was a far cry from reassuring her that her father must miss her, like I wanted to. The only thing staying my tongue was the fact that their dad sounded like a real buttface, and there didn't seem to be any indication that he loved his children at all.

Astrea shrugged. "I guess. I'll get out of your hair. I just wanted to make sure you looked the part so you don't get roasted alive."

Her words rekindled my nerves and guilt flared again that we were even going at all. Zale seemed completely unbothered. He let go of me so he could press a kiss to his sister's temple and give her a quick hug. "I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay. And bring me back some shrimp puffs, would you? Our chef makes the best shrimp puffs, and I miss them."

I wrinkled my nose. I had tried shrimp a few weeks ago and it was nasty. The idea of eating an entire living being in one bite was disturbing enough; then add in how cold and slimy it was, and I wanted to gag just thinking about it.

Once Astrea was gone, Zale checked the computer in his room. "Kyra says we're all set to arrive," he said. Since I couldn't swim there with him, Zale and Kyra had arranged for us to teleport directly to her once she sent the okay.

"Are you sure I'm not sick? I feel like I could come down with something any second," I pleaded.

Zale's lips twitched toward a smile. "I'm sure."

When I didn't budge after he slipped his hand into mine, he lifted an eyebrow lightly. "I can do this alone, if you prefer. We can let Kyra handle her own love life and you can just give me a lift, then come right back here and spend the evening with Astrea."

The offer gave me back my courage. No way would I do any of that. Zale deserved better from me... and I wanted to offer better to his sister, too. "Ready?" I asked, finally gripping his hand.

"Ready," he confirmed.

Before I could think any more about it, I took us to Kyra.

She was in an opulent bedroom that looked like something out of a magazine instead of like anything someone might actually live in. She sighed when she saw us and pressed one hand to her chest. "Thank goodness. I couldn't stay here much longer and it's better for everyone if we don't showcase your teleportation trick. It's an uncomfortable thing for our security. I'm sure you understand."

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