Chapter 12: Together Rescue Athena

Start from the beginning

"There is only one crystal, that has the same power as The silver crystal, that is the Golden Crystal from the kingdom of Elysion said Luna."
Luna when you mean "Elysion"? Do you mean "Elysium" they sound very similar to each other Said Leo Aiolia."
Yes it does, if I remember correctly Queen Serenity was also known as the Goddess of the moon in Greek mythology called Selene said Luna."

"So in other cases your saying that Usagi Tsukino is the Recarnation of Princess Serenity the Daughter of Goddess Selene who you call Queen Serenity? Said Virgo Shaka."
Yes that is correct said Luna."
So she's just like Athena being Recarnationed? said Phoenix Ikki."
You could say that if you want, but Usagi isn't the only one Recarnationed, said Luna."

"The Sailor Guardians you see before you are also Recarnations themselves and there duty is not just to protect the Solar System but to protect Princess Serenity they themselves are also princesses of there Respected Planets said Luna."

"Venus told me about that said Andromeda Shun."
Yes it was because you had that dream with Queen Serenity, and saw a Silhouette of me as "Princess Venus",
Which I am actually her said Sailor Venus."
Wait you said Shun had a dream with you as princess Venus?, I also had a dream with princess serenity in it said Pegasus Seiya." I did so too said Dragon Shiryu." Me too said Cygnus Hyoga." Yes I remember it now said Phoenix Ikki." The gold saints were confused."

"So your all says that you had dreams where you were on the moon said this Holographic Projection of a Queen of the moon that died millions of years ago, and told you a Story until you saw a Silhouette of the "Solar System Sailor Princesses", and she told you to find them and too find sailor moon?, but what does it even mean if you were around them the entire time when you were supposed to be looking for them." said Eagle Marin."

"Well we didn't know that Usagi and her friends were sailor guardians at the beginning until now, but I had a feeling something strange was about them said dragon shiryu."
I Aggre with Shiryu, we didn't know they were Saints, but I suspected something was suspicious about them said Sailor Jupiter."

"This is why we have to Work togeather, If we don't not only the earth may have fall but every galaxy and Athena nor any other God or goddess could fix it, as Saints and Sailor Guardians we are meant to protect one thing from Evil so that evil can not dominate the world, and if it Does everything will be gone said Luna."

"Maybe we should go to Moon? Said Sailor Mercury."
The Moon!?, Are you insane!, how we were even gonna get out there and why did do we all have to go up there! Said Cancer Deathmask."
Sailor Mercury is right, I may not be able to tell all of the information that is needed, but if we go to the Moon we will get all of that information that will need to Save Athena said Luna."

"Then how are we gonna get to the Moon? Said Andromeda Shun."
Sailor Mercury checked her Super Computer."
Well judging by the Moon we can get there on a full moon and the only full moon that will happen sense it's November right now and the day closer to us would be November 19th as there is a full moon on that day Pacifically said Sailor Mercury."

"So we have to go by a full moon?" said Phoenix Ikki." Yes that is correct said Sailor Mercury."
They agree with the Plan, Usagi had woken up and asked what was going on, They had to explain what was going on and had head back to Usagi's house with the Gold Saints Splitting up while they wait until it was a full moon."

"Once it became November 19th, They all came to Juban Park my the water fountain, Usagi was the first one to show up, waiting there In the moonlight, she sat in the spot she had sat down with Mamaou."
She thought of him."
Mamo-Chan? Said Usagi."
thinking about Mamaou she didn't even realize that someone walked up to her and sat right next to her and this just turned out to be Seiya."

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