The Truth

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It's pouring down rain when I step outside, but I don't care. Lightning could strike me down this very moment and I'd still crawl to him.

This is it, this is what everything leads to. Now that clouds in my brain have vanished and I can see through, it's as if nothing else ever mattered. I just need to see him.

This is what they talk about in the movies and the books. True love. When all the things that seem difficult before seem easy, and all you want to do is be by their side. I get it now. I can't see how I hadn't come to terms with it before.

Yes I do, Seth. I was so caught up in thinking what Seth and I had was true love and that all I needed was him. He was the clouds clogging up my brain. Not that anything is wrong with Seth, he may be a changed man, but he is no Dean.

Seth is the sun, and Dean is the moon. They work together, but both have a separate aura. Both are beautiful, but I have always been a night owl.

Who knows, maybe Seth feels this way about me-the way I feel right now, about Dean-but I somehow doubt it. He deserves love just as much as the next person, as much as I do, but I know now I cannot give him that. I know he will be heartbroken when I sit him down to talk about this, but it's my time to find some happiness. True happiness.

Sure, Dean could be appalled by my sudden revelation, and I'm terrified he will, but part of me knows what Seth and I had was done and we need to move on. The other half says I'm being foolish, that I must have taken too many pain meds for my leg because I am higher than a kite. So what if I am? I'm done tip-toeing around. You never know unless you go for it.

So that's what I'm doing now. Soaked with rain and sprinting two blocks away to the Best Western hotel. My leg is burning, but it doesn't stop me. The pain cannot stop me in my pursuit of my destination.

I had rode with Celeste to the arena, and to eliminate going all the way back in to get her I just ran. Nothing has ever seemed faster, yet everything seemed to be going in slow motion. Maybe it's because my heart is beating a million miles a minute and my stomach is in my kneecaps, but I can't help the nervous and anxious feeling that's came over me.

It got worse as I saw the hotel in close proximity. I almost considered turning around, but instead I went faster. This time of night there weren't many people on the street, so no one was in my way. As Ii approached the hotel I stopped and scanned the front door. A group of guys were heading in, most of them from NXT now that I get a good look at them. I recognize Finn Balor, Enzo Amore and Colin Cassidy, and too many more to worry about. I think about giving up once more when I spot Dean, and he spots me. He seemed surprised to see me standing there, must of thought he got rid of me earlier.

Not this time.

He put on the annoyed look again before walking over to me. I get scared, I almost panic.

No, not this time.

"AJ, what are yo-" I cut him off with a kiss, my hands wrapped around his warm neck.

I release him before it seemed too long, "Dean, I know this is unexpected, believe me I know, but I have to come to terms with this sometime soon and it's finally clear to me. I.. I love you, Dean. I'm in love with you. Head over converse..." I pause, soaking in the fact I just made a joke in this, making me the biggest nerd ever. He nodded for me to continue, "and I don't know if you feel in any way the same bu-"

This time he cut me off with a kiss.

It was deep and passionate, the best kiss I could have ever been involved in, and I never want it to stop. If this were a movie I would continue to hit rewind, and if it were a song I would continue to replay.

He released me from the kiss, but still held me in his arms. He spoke to me lowly as if we were the only two people on the face of the planet.

"April, I have been waiting to hear those words for so long. I have been deeply in love with you since the moment we met. I quit speaking to you for so long before because you had Seth and I couldn't bear to see it. I couldn't interrupt, but I could sit through the agony. Same thing for the past week or so. I love you, April and you never have to doubt that because I would scratch and crawl to the ends of the Earth if that means you are happy and in my arms."

I smiled, I could help but to smile. How could anyone do anything else but smile? I had never seen him so vulnerable, and I can see what had been in front of me this whole time.

Dean loves me.

"Dean, you are the light that brightens my darkness. You are the moon." I whispered.

He put his forehead against mine and looked deep into my eyes with his baby blues, and whispered back, "And you, my dear April, are my stars."

Torn (Broken Sequel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz