What's On Your Mind Could Be Deadly

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Seth grinned at my response and took my hands into his.

He opened his mouth as if he were about to speak, but quickly changed his mind and decided to stay quiet and pull me into a deep kiss, one only Seth could produce.

The door behind us rang, startling us to stop. I saw Seth tense up the second his eyes met the door. I followed his gaze to the man standing now in front of the doorway, door closing softly behind him.

"Hey Jon!" I waved, smiling, heart racing for god knows why. Probably because Seth and Dean could rip each others heads off at any moment.

"Jon." Seth said blankly.

Dean gave me a courteous nod before looking sharply back at Seth, "Colby."

It was silent between us for a moment, I looked back and around the rest of the cafe. No one seemed to notice what was unfolding right here.

I finally spoke to break the silence and break their sharp stares, "...So...what are you doing here, Dean?" I asked.

He cleared his throat, "Well, after you fleed the comic store I could tell something was wrong so I followed you." He looked down and back up at me.

Seth chucked, "That's a little weird isn't it? Following a girl to some unknown locati-"

"I was making sure April was safe, asshole. Now, what's going on here?" Dean cut Seth off.

I answered before Seth could say anything to blow this into an even bigger conflict, "Seth is uh..my uh...admirer." I coughed, "And...we're back together"

I don't understand why I'm so hesitant to say it to Jon. Or why my heart is beating so quick at this moment, not in panic, but in lust.

The look on Dean's face said it all. I can't exactly put a word to it, but it wasn't happy and I hate to see it on him. Like an upset puppy.

Like.. like.. I don't know.

He didn't even say anything, he just turned on his heel and stomped out of the cafe.

I rushed out the door behind him, calling his name to get him to stop, but he kept storming down the street and around the corner out of view.

What have I done? What am I going to do?

I can't do any of this without Jon.

Sorry about the day late chapter!I was under the impression I had posted the new chapter yesterday.

So, Dean's pissed. Anyone wanna guess why? Don't worry, you don't have long to wait because there are only 4 CHAPTERS LEFT OF TORN!

And YES there will be a sequel and I will put a chapter up here to formally introduce it and direct you there.

If you are a fan of the Broken saga, be sure to check out my Dean/Sam (Sam is my character I created) fanfic, My Partner, it's getting heated!

I will post next week, but here soon I am going to take a weeks break due to my borthday coming up so I will be traveling to Ohio to visit my dad for that and celebrating it with others and all that jazz!

As always, thanks for reading and see you next Wednesday.

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