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I pace back and forth in my living room before I plop down on my sofa with a big 'umph'.

Why am I stressing over this?

Seth is a great guy, deep down. I know that. I can see it in his eyes.

Even the greatest of people can make sinister mistakes.

But what if it's just a ploy? What if he just wants to reel you back in just to hurt you again?

I wish I could stop doubting him. I wish I could fully forgive him, but when I think of doing so I just can't get the image of her out of my mind.

I see her just when I fully give my heart up to forgive him. It's like she is continuing to hold me back. But, why.

Why do I continue to let that....homewrecker hurt me. She isn't even here!

It's not like she is physically still here ripping my life apart, it's my own head. My paranoia.

I'm happier now that Seth and I are speaking. I can't think of a time I wasn't happy with Seth around as of late.

Actually, I think of Seth all the time.

The way he grins and looks at me when he says a dumb joke looking for my approval. The little blond patch of his hair just barely there anymore. His constant change in songs he's obsessed with in the moment, singing along to them as he drives along (Parkway Drive and A Day To Remember are his favorites).

God, what's wrong with me.

You're so wishy-washy, AJ. One minute your doubting his sincerity, the next your gushing over him.

Okay, yes wish-wash city over here. Queen of the wish-wash. But can you really blame me?

I had everything. A loving fiancée, my dream job, the divas title, great friends. Then everything turned to shit because of Seth. No, not because of Seth, because of her.

He left, cheated. My friends left me, besides Dean. I got suspended from my job. The title was taken from me. And to top it all off, as if it wasn't enough, I turned into a complete nutcase.

But can I really blame Seth? Can I really blame anyone.

Sure, he left and cheated and she played mund games with me, but I didn't have to go off the deep end. My antics costed me friendships, my job, and the title.

So, no. I cannot blame Seth. That was me. And I do forgive him for leaving me. Even the mind games, I forgive him. I can't hate him forever, and I know I don't hate him now. I forgive Seth, truely.

I...I miss him. I miss us.

So, AJ is forgiving Seth! And she even misses them being together. What could this mean? Where will this lead? Who knows! (Besides me)

So, I've decided that after this story ends there are still some things that need to be discovered and brought to light (hint, regarding Seth's mistress from Broken), SO I've decided to do a third and FINAL story to AJ's saga.

How do you guys feel about that? Please, let me know.

I've also decided to update every Wednesday now so this story doesn't go by too quickly. Cause not much is left of Torn!

As far as My Partner goes, I have FINALLY found my story plan and by the time this chapter is published I have had already updated My Partner, and I totally recommend checking it out if you like Dean Ambrose or WWE in general.

As always, thanks for the read. See you guys next Wednesday.

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