Who is the Admirer? (short chapter)

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I sit my barely read comic book I had been skimming for an hour on the table beside my bed. I lean my back up against the leather headboard and let my hair loose from the pony tail that had captivated my curls.

It's already about 1:30 in the morning here in Chicago, Illinois, but I'm not tired to the least.Everyone else is surely asleep. Tomarrow we have a Smackdown taping, I have a match.

I stare up at my ceiling and tap my black-painted finger nails on the smooth base of the headboard behind me.

Despite all the leads and theories (came up by none other than Eva and Kaitlyn), I cannot find who this "admirer" is.

I have no clue his (or her) intentions, the reason, or who is behind it.

I've heard the crazy ideas suggested by Kaitlyn, and the more logical (but still odd) ones from Eva.

Could it be a fan?
Could it be a WWE Staff member?
Is it a Superstar?
Could it happen to be someone from my past?
An Ex?
Hell, could it be Big E like the storyline?!

I've given each one considerable thought, but nothing completely connects.

How could a fan access the full backstage of MULTIPLE arenas and my apartment, let alone have my phone number?
Staff members don't have time to set up gifts and sneak into my home.
Superstar? Could be, but look how many there are.
None are around WWE to set these little suprises up.
Dean doesn't see me that way..
Jacob is really busy with working on set up.
Big E? Common.

Nothing makes sense! The only thing that is obvious is, they are in the WWE.

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