Coffee and Snacks

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I sit my styrofoam cup of coffee and bag of sour patch kids (the watermelon kind) along with Eva's coffee and abundance of snacks on the counter in her hotel room.

I gave Eva a 'what the hell is wrong with you' look as I cocked my head to the side.

"What? It's Jonathon's cheat day! I'm picking him up some candy. The Jolly ranchers are for me." She answered defensively.

"Some?" I laughed.

"He really likes candy"

We had a moment of silence before we were checked out, back in the car, and I spoke again.

"Where is Jonathon anyway?" I asked.

"Not sure. Probably out getting doughnuts." I nodded. "So, you visit Jake yesterday?"

"Yeah, I hung with him for awhile. He baked, we talked, I left. Yah know, typical hang out session." I laughed.

"Do you think he could be the admirer? And woah, woah, wait. Jake bakes?" She asked curiously.

"What! No! It couldn't be Jake. He has a girlfriend. She just doesn't go on the road with him often because of work. And yes. Jake bakes." I answered, lieing about the girlfriend part. I don't believe it could be him, and I seriously don't want Eva shoving it in my face that she thinks he does.

"Oh. Well any ideas?"

"Not really. I'm pretty set on the idea that it's a prank" I slickered slyly trying to laugh it off.

"I really think it's Dean."

"What? NO! No way. Why do you think Dean?"

"Just a hunch" she shrugged," but it could also be Seth. You are talking to him again aren't you?"

"Yeah. Doesn't mean it's him."

"Doesn't mean it's not either."

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