Chickbuster Fued

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I look down at the old brown table in a little diner just down the street from the arena.

Dean invited me to lunch before Monday Night Raw and I just so happened to end up being 20 minuetes early.

After what seemed like an hour staring at the chipped brick wall I heard the chime of the door open and turned to find Dean walking in his familiar stride.

"You get here early I see?" He assumed sitting down across from me.

"Just a bit" I laughed. "I went ahead and ordered you some coffee"

"Perfect, thank seem a bit on edge lately. Are you alright?" He asked catching me off guard.

"Wha- oh.. yeah I'm fine, just a bit of thinking lately. I've got the gifts sent to me with no clue who they are coming from, and I may or may not have been talking to Seth..." I said trailing off scared of what Dean would think.

Quite frankly I'm still not sure it was the right decision yet myself. It's just a risk I'm gonna have to take I guess.

Yeah, okay AJ. "Risks". A BIG RISK. Remember what happened last time?


"Yeah. I know." He answered taking a sip of the fresh coffee the waitress just delivered.

"You do?" I answered kind of suprised.

"Well, yeah. You forget I work very closely with him. He's mentioned it." He answered.

Seth's talked about it?

"Oh, true" I laughed, " you think I made the right decision?" I asked instantly regreting what came out of my mouth.

"Well I don't trust him, that's no secret, but if you feel it's right go with it. Whatever you feel in your heart and your gut, go with it. The second anything weird happens you come to me.....I don't want anything to happen to you." He said looking at me piercing my soul with him beautiful blue eyes.

Wait. What.


'Lets light it up!'

I walk out to the top of the ramp with a scowl on my face, not my regular crazy smile.

I stomp down to the ring rather than skip and step into the ropes. I walk over to the corner of the ring and grab a mic forcefully from a tech guy's hand.

"Last week I had my title stolen from me. I was cheated! I had that match with the whiny annoying barbie Alicia right in my hands!" I pace back and forth angrily grabbing at my hair.

"Kaitlyn has this secret agenda to take me down from the current pedastool that I stand on, but I assure you puddin' you don't know what you're messing with, you are playing with fire. I worked my way to where I am now, I earned this!...I am the best diva this place has to offer, and you are nothing! You have nothing!.....I promise I will get my baby back, and you'll do what you do best. Sit on the couch and eat your feelings away because you just can't get the job done. Congrats Kaitlyn! You've gotten exactly what you wanted. You got a war." I laughed crazily and dropped the mic onto the mat as my theme music blared out of the speakers.

I turn around and step out of the ropes and skip up the ramp. I stop and turn around to face the crowd to blow a kiss.

Spinning around to continue backstage, I am speared completely off the stage by none other than Kaitlyn.

Chants of "Holy Shit!" break out just before commercial break.

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