Monday Before Mania

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"So, you excited for Wrestlemania?" Dean asked leaning against a giant crate.

Dean and I had been standing here talking waiting for my promo I'm cutting in ten minuetes.

"Yeah, I'm super excited. Alicia has her rematch for the title, some suprises I am sure." I responded.

"I'm sure I will be suprised." He cut back.

"Lee, you're on in three" the stage manager exclaimed pointing to the curtain before turning and walking the opposite direction.

"That's my cue" I said getting ready to head out.

"Good luck" he responded quietly.


"So, here's the deal. Alicia lost last week in our match. A title match might I add.. Now she has a title match against me at Wrestlemania for my title. Is that how it works around here? Lose a title shot and immediately you have made your way to Wrestlemania?" I paused giving a questioned look at the crowd.

"No, that is not how it works so I don't know why this is happening now. Alicia couldn't get the job done last week, okay? So why does she deserve another shot?....What if she takes my baby away?! Huh?!" I yelled.

I stopped and gave my crazy chuckle.

"Who am I kidding! Alicia isn't going to take this from me. She can't take it from me. This is mine. It will forever be mine. There is no stopping me. I am the divas champion and it is going to stay that way. Alicia is no more than any of those other air headed divas in that locker room that I have beaten a million times."


It was nearly 11:30 here in New York City.

I stepped out of my taxi and took a deep breath of the crowded streets and skyscrapers.

I stepped onto the sidewalk and opened the door to a little coffee shop with the sign stating 'Open Till midnight'.

"Hey, April over here" waved Jake in the corner.

I walked over and sat in the seat across from him with a humph.

"Long night?" Jake asked pushing a syrofoam cup of hot coffee in front of me.

"You have no idea." I said before glabcing down at the coffee. "You remember my coffee order?"

"Of course. Not like I have much better to do." We laughed.

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