Chapter Seventeen.

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Two Months Later.

Everything was going well for Ayat and Naeem as they were planning their wedding. But Ayat wanted to wait until Layla gives birth so that she could enjoy herself without any worries or problems.

Ayat was finally discharged from the hospital and was told not to exhaust herself by the doctor.

The twins were arguing about agreeing on something while Ayat watches them while sitting on the couch trying to relax but all she got was them bickering.






"Guys stop giving me a headache. What are you even doing here? If you aren't going to be quiet then I suggest you get out", Ayat tells the siblings who were fighting over the venue of the wedding.

"She/he started it".

"Well if you don't stop I will call Jason and your mother here to drag you out of here", Ayat tells them.

"But she started it...."

"No, he did..."

"I am not going to say anything now. All I am going to do is open the door", Ayat stood up from the couch opened the door, and let in Jason. "Come in, Jason", She opened the door wider to let him in.

"Ayat we are sisters. Don't do this, please", Layla tells Ayat while looking at Jason who was folding his hands on his chest just staring at Layla.

"Yes we are but now you two are acting are kids. So I called him here so that he can help me with you two while I go and get some ice cream for myself", She tells them taking her purse but when she saw Naeem trying to walk towards her. "Yeah, no. You are staying here and learning to be an adult. Bye Habiby", she added sending him a flying kiss as she headed out of the door.

Ayat walked to the ice cream parlor which was a few minutes walk from where she stayed with her uncle and aunt. She loved going to the parlor with them and having loads of fun.

As soon as she walked in the owner recognized her and waved at her as she was walking toward him.

"Asalam Aleikum Mr. Khalid. How are you doing?", she greeted him smiling.

"Waleikum Salaam, my dear. Alhamdulilah and fine, and what about you?".

"I am good. Could I have my favorite ice cream with extra chocolate chips? Thank you", she tells him.

"I know and take a seat while I tell my son to bring it to you", Mr. Khalid tells her.

She took a seat near the window waiting for her ice cream. The last time she has been here was before she went to university for her studies.

And now she has graduated before she quit working for Naeem. She then notices a young man walking towards her with her ice cream bowl.

This must be Mr. Khalid's son.

"Ayat, right?", the young man asks her setting the bowl down on the table.

"Yes that's me and you are?", she asks him.

"I am Yusuf. Mr. Khalid's son", he introduces himself to her but what they didn't notice was that Naeem was approaching them clenching his hand and walking toward them.

Ayat was laughing at something that Yusuf said when Naeem put his hand on his shoulder making her turn to face him.

"Who is he?", Yusuf asked Ayat looking at Naeem.

His Hijabi Intern.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora