Chapter Eleven.

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Forgiveness And Leaving.

Naeem was shocked to know that Ayat was the one he saw in the park.

"How did you know that It was me who you saw at the park that day?", Naeem asked Ayat while they were in the car driving to Ayat's uncle's place.

"The first day that I met you. I recognize who you are. I didn't think you would be the one but I saw your eyes, they were the same. They held sadness in them", Ayat answers him. "Why?", she asked.

"Because those words are what kept me going all these years. That day when you saw me, It was her wedding day. I went to say goodbye to her. I didn't want to go home because my parents would question me. I didn't want them to worry about me", Naeem explained to her.

"Am sorry, Naeem for what happened to you. You didn't deserve this...."

"Hey, listen it is okay. Thank you for worrying about me. Now let's get you home before Uncle Jamil calls me and starts asking about you", he smiles at her.

"By the way, I have to give this back to you. It is really beautiful", she kept the ring on the dashboard making Naeem pull the car over.

"I told you when I put it on you that never to take it off. Now give me your hand", he took her hand and put the ring back on her finger. "Now, let's get you back home", he added turning the car on and then he started driving.

I should thank Ms. Kate for hiring her even though love is a long way from me. At last, I found the one who broke into my walls without even trying.

Her smile.

Her laughter.

And now she defended me without truly knowing me.

Ever since that day, Ayat has been a bit distant from Naeem. When he hugged her that night, she felt the need to protect her heart from whatever it was feeling.

Ayat is still wearing the ring that he gave her and she doesn't have the heart to give it back without hurting him.

"Ayat, could you come to my office?", he calls out to her. She had no choice but to go into the office to see him.

"I will be right there", she replies to him. She gathered her notebook and a pen and walked into his office.

She knocked on the door and she heard him say; "Come in".

"Yes, sir what can I do for you?", she asked him looking at her notebook.

"Did I do something to make you mad at me?", Naeem asks her. But she shook her head.

"No, I am okay", she shakes her head. Ayat didn't see that he stood up and walked toward her.

"Then why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong to you?", he moves closer to her while she moves her back toward the wall behind her.

"You are my boss, you should keep your distance...."

"Ayat, you are wearing my ring and I can be near you as much as I want to be...."

"Stop, you and I from different worlds. And I need to work so if you don't have any work for me I will get back to work, excuse me", she tried to leave but Naeem held her hand pulling her back into his arms.

He held her without noticing his father was at the door watching them.

Liam cleared his throat startling them.

"Excuse me", Ayat walked out of the room leaving them alone.

"Was I interrupting something?", Liam asked his son.

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