Chapter Three

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The Heartless CEO.

"She made me who I am. Turned me into someone that doesn't have a heart that beats. My heart has turned into a stone just because of the lies she told me".

It has been almost three years since Naeem took over the company and he made it known to almost the entire world.

He became the ruthless CEO that no one would want to cross. Liam and Nayla wanted the best for their son but whatever happened to him made him the way he is today.

As the media calls him; The Heartless Ceo.

Naeem has been taking over the companies that can no longer function, mixing them with his company and turning it into a multi-millionaire company.

He became the competitor's worse nightmare. Even his father Liam was surprised by the way his son is. He knew that this had something to do with what had happened a few years ago when he came home angry but Naeem was good at hiding what he was feeling towards his mother but not his father.

But Liam didn't want to be one of those parents who would snoop on their children's private lives. When Naeem is ready to tell them he will but for now, Liam does nothing but support him in everything he does.

But he knew that Naeem wouldn't let anything destroy him.

"Explain to me why the financial report is down again in two weeks?", Naeem tells the men and women inside the conference room where he had called an emergency meeting.

"Someone has been stealing from the company. Either you talk or I will have eaceverye of you investigated and you know that when I find out who it is ]. You won't only be fired but also end up in jail", He explained to them.

But no one was ready to talk or even snitch.

"You are all dismissed but you won't be able to go to lunch. You will be provided with lunch until the investigations are done", Naeem knew that one of them will snitch or confess.

Everyone left the conference while Kate and Naeem remained inside.

Naeem trusted Kate as his father did.

"Now, we wait for the results", Naeem tells Kate.

"Can I suggest something?", Kate asks him.

"Yes sure".

"Why don't you test them, before the results come out? What I mean is that you let them go to lunch and send someone to follow the ones that are in the financials", Kate explained to Naeem.

"That's brilliant. Thank you. Could you email all of them telling them they can go for lunch?".

"Right away", Kate walked into her office sending the email to everyone who attended the meeting.

Naeem looked at the pictures in his office. His mother, father, and his sister all smile.

He has to fake his emotions when he was with them. Especially when he is with his mother. Nayla loved her children and wanted the best for them.

It would break her heart to know that some girl destroyed her son.

"It is sent now we wait for the results", Kate walks in telling Naeem.

Kate has always been trustworthy because of her son and Liam trusted her.

"Thank you for doing this, Ms. Andrews. You are a lifesaver".

"No worries".

When Kate left, Naeem calls one of his trusted friends who could help him with his current problem.

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