Chapter Five.

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Ayat's First Day.

After Ayat has finished her prayers she went to the kitchen to make breakfast for herself and her uncle and aunt. It was a bit early for her to leave for her first day of work.

"Ayat, you shouldn't have done this. Let me do that", her aunt tells her. Ayat has always tried to help her aunt and uncle with anything and everything around the house.

She would try and buy them groceries without them noticing but this would earn her a scolding from them.

"Aunt, it is okay besides I love helping you and uncle. I told you that today I will start training and hopefully get that job".

Husna looked at her niece with love in her eyes.

She is just like her mother. Kind, and caring, and would do anything for her family.

"Aunt, are you alright?", Ayat asks when she saw that her aunt wasn't listening to what she was telling her.

"Yes, my dear. Just thinking about your late mother. You are just like her in every way".

Ayat smiled at her aunt.

"Shukran Aunt. I wish I knew more than I did before the horrifying accident took her from us. I miss them, Aunt".

Ayat wipes an almost fallen tear from her eyes.

"Hey that's enough. Smile as they would have wanted for you. And now tell me about your job".

Ayat explains to her what her job would be while she makes tea for them.

"I am so grateful, aunt. Because now I get to help you and uncle with the house expenses. Shukran for taking care of me".

"Afwan, my child, and remember you don't have to contribute anything because you are family".

Ayat looked at the time and said to her aunt that it was time for her to get ready to leave as the company was a bit far from where she lived.

"It is okay Khala. I am glad to do that. I have to go prepare myself so that I can leave", Ayat tells her aunt setting down the cup of tea.

Ayat quickly gathered what she needed and then freshen up she was ready to leave but she had to say goodbye to her aunt and uncle.

Her uncle had just returned from the Masjid.

"Have a great day and May Allah bless you, my child", he told her.

Ayat kissed both of them on their foreheads.


She walked to the bus station but decided to take a cab which was easier and more convenient at that moment.

Upon reaching the company, Ayat looked at the building. It was a high building.

"I wonder how many floors there are". She says to herself while going into the building.

"Hey, I am Ayat Said and I am here for the job", She told the receptionist.

"Yes, one moment please".

Then she called Kate to come and get Ayat.

"Kate there's someone here for you. Okay, I will tell her" then she turned to Ayat and explained that she can go and meet Kate on the 40th floor.

The receptionist showed her the elevator. She walked into the elevator and pressed the 40th button and waited for it to go up.

Upon reaching the floor, she was met by Kate who was waiting for her outside the elevator.

"Hey, my name is Kate Andrews. Come with me, please", Kate introduced herself and told her to follow her.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Andrews".

"So this will be your desk for the time being. Today I will show you around and I will show you what I do. The schedule and what to do and what not to do".

Kate then asked her to follow her to see if Naeem was in his office.

"The first task is to make him his coffee, then read him his schedule. If he has any tasks, he will let you know".

Ayat nodded and walked with Kate to the lounge and showed her how to make the coffee.

"Okay, now let's go to the office so I can introduce you to the boss".

Ayat took a deep breath and walked beside Kate who was holding a cup of coffee.

Kate knocked on the door and heard Naeem answer her to go in.

"Naeem, she is here", Kate said moving aside so that they could see each other.

"Take a seat", Naeem told Ayat without even wanting to see her.

She took a seat and waited for him to say something to her. Naeem looked up and saw a beautiful young woman wearing a blue and grey hijab.

She didn't have any make on.

"Kate, will show you what is needed to be done and I will let you know if anything happens", Naeem said to her.

"No need to sulk. If you are having a bad day it will pass. Tomorrow might bring something better and amazing for you. Don't let things or people dictate your day".

He had heard this before. At the park a few years ago. Naeem wanted to ask Ayat where she heard that quote from but decided against it.

Naeem looked at her while she walked out of his office. He couldn't help but remember the day at the park.

"Stop, What did you say your name is?".

"Ayat Said, Sir".

"You can go now", he tells her. Kate shook her head in amusement at how Naeem stopped Ayat just to ask her name.

"Kate, thank you but don't. I know what you are thinking and the answer is no. You and my family are too much. I am fine", Naeem tries to convince her.

"I didn't say anything and I am not even thinking of whatever you are thinking about".

Kate walked out of the office laughing her head off. Ayat was surprised as to why she called the CEO by his first name.

"Before you ask, I am his sister's mother-in-law. My son married his sister Layla", Kate explained to Ayat who looked confused.

"Okay", Ayat tells her smiling.

"Things will change around here. I will be the first to thank you before they change so thank you". Kate tells her smiling knowing that Ayat might heal Naeem's heart or even try to make him come out of whatever he is feeling.

What Kate said confused Ayat but she didn't reply. Kate showed her what to do.

 Kate showed her what to do

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