Putting the finishing touches on her outfit, she went into Honor's room to tell her to come on. Before she could, she saw Honor standing in front of her small vanity mirror putting different purses up to her outfit to see which one looked best. God really gave Siya a Clone.

Giggling to herself she told her to come on and left out of the house then started her journey to her parents house. They just wanted to be their for support. Pulling up her parents long drive way, she pulled her phone out and called her mom to come outside.

"We're on a time schedule ma'am."

"Girl don't nobody care what kind of schedule you on."

"Imma let you have that cause you getting old and you probably ain't got that much time left."

"Yo daddy old heifer!"

"I'm old but you was just screaming my old ass na- OK BYE GUYS." Siya cut her dad off before he could finish. That's absolutely not something she wanted to hear, specially coming from her parents.

Once they got in the car, Siya's dad opted to drive to the court house. Siya felt like she should've drove. Her dad drives like a crazy man. Yea, she said they were on a time schedule but they still had some time to kill, which meant her dad didn't have to do ninety on a sixty-five street.

Finally making to the Court house in one peace. she checked her Apple Watch and saw that they still had fifteen minutes later to spare. On the way to the private room to speak with her lawyer, she passed by Lonzo, Dmo, and his lawyer. They looked like they were building an entire case out of nothing. Maybe he's nervous too.

Within no time court began. Siya wasn't nervous at all. She wasn't asking for anything but his time. In this moment she felt like nothing could go wrong.

"All rise." The bailiff man said.

As the female judge came and sat down, she greeted both Parties and asked if they were ready to begin. "Mr.Ball it says here that you had no idea about the child in question due to an interference by the mother of your first child. Is that correct?"

His lawyer was about to speak until he stopped him. "Yes your honour. When she first told me that she was pregnant, I thought it was just some random girl I slept with trying to pin a baby on me, so I ignored it. But recently I was given the reason to believe that she is my child."

"And Ms.Kelly, it says that you don't want child support or anything of that sort, what is it that you want exactly?"

"I just want my child to have both of her parents in her life. I have both of my parents and I would like for her to have the same. She asks me about him everyday and she's starting to catch on to my "he's busy." stories."

Family court of cook county

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Family court of cook county

He already knew Siya didn't want money. He found that out when his lawyer got her statement weeks ago. Zo wasn't surprised though, from the very beginning her intentions seemed clear. Taking the both of them out of their thought, the judge came back with the results.

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