the final chapter

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(lena - this is definitely inspired by the movie!)

as you and deku were both trapped against the walls. your vision was blurry. blood falling down your head and forehead.

you couldn't give up just now, he needed to be stopped. nine needed to be defeated. immediately.

you noticed how the mysterious quirk was disappearing slowly, and noticed how nine was in horrendous pain. "he's reached his limit!" you thought and immediately punched the quirk he was using out of where you were at.

deku did the same and the both of you immediately went straight to attack nine, you using both quirks while deku used all of his.

the two of you fought, and fought for almost 20 minutes. bleeding. injured. quirks being overused.

nine once again, reached his limit, but didn't give up. "no..i'm not losing to the two of you! I NEVER WILL!" he said.

just then a purple blast exploded, you and deku grunted and looked at nine. his hair flowing. streaks of glowing purple on his skin. his eyes glowing purple and grey. his torso ripped. his injuries showing.

the sky was now full of thunderstorms, tornadoes, fire, and air.

the kids hugged and hid behind a rock that would keep them safe for now.

your torso was ripped as well, deku's as well, both of your injuries showing. blood showing. as well. your hair a big mess.

deku's left arm broken and bruised. his chest exposed. his injuries and blood showing. his hair a huge mess like yours.

"you both are too weak. you can't defeat me." nine said as he walked slowly. "the more the two of you fight, the weaker you get. remember former villains. i'm always going to be stronger."

"you will never be stronger. you're going to be defeated by us. whether you like it or not." you say powering your quirk up again.

"oh is that so?" nine said as he immediately went to attack the both of you. two vs. one.

nine kept pushing himself, attacking you and deku, quirk after quirk, causing the both of you to lose focus of his speed.

you tried to keep up with nine, but couldn't. you felt yourself get more weaker and weaker. you fought more as long as you could, but this time. your body gave up.

deku was close to giving up, until nine caught the both of you and trapped the both of you again but this time squeezing both of you, as he's trying to break yours and deku's ribs.

you had to try to not let it happen. the both of you almost gave up until you heard this.

"Y/N!!!!" yuzu yelled his voice breaking with tears in his eyes. "MR.DEKU!!!" yuki yelled with tears in her eyes as well.

"YOU GUYS NEED TO FIGHT!!!" yuki yelled as she cried hiding behind the rock. "YOU CAN DO IT YOU GUYS!!!" yuzu yelled.

"y/n..i just had the craziest may not like it..but it has to work.." deku said as he reached his broken and bruised hand out to you.

you looked at him in confusion. "deku..?" you say. "trust me okay..?" deku asked as he still held his hand out for you to grab. "don't tell me that you're passing your quirk to me.." you say.

"you need to trust me y/n.." he said as he looked at you. eye contact. you hesitated, but you took his hand. the both of you gripping.

you felt a power go inside of you. it was one one for all. you didn't let go of his hand until deku's quirk exploded nine's quirk that he stolen and the both of y'all reached the floor.

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