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denki was still looking down on the floor, not noticing that you were awake.

you moved your finger, making a slight sound on the bed sheets. causing denki's attention.

"y/n.?" he said as he looked at you. you slowly opened your eyes and noticed the bright lights. causing you to close your eyes again.

after adjusting to the lights, you open your eyes and immediately begin to sit up and dragging the tube out of your throat and ripping the needles out of your arms.

"whoa whoa! calm down!" denki says as he held your shoulders. "GUYS THEY'RE ALIVE!" denki yelled causing the students, doctors, and teachers attention.

bakugou quickly ran to the room seeing you awake, he quickly went to hug you. "y/n.." he said quietly.

your eyes fill up with tears as you hug him back. "katsuki.." you grip onto his shirt showing him that you've missed him.

the students were happy to have their strongest students back. which was you. "glad to have you back y/n." momo said as she smiled and held your shoulder.

you nod and you look around and see..deku?

"deku..?" you say as your heart dropped to your stomach. everyone stood close to you protecting you.

"i just..wanted to come and..become a UA student again.." he said. you felt like he said it so meaningful.

"WHAT?!" everyone said, it was coming to their surprise. were you really going to have your best friend back?

everyone cheered with excitement as deku smiled and walked to you. "y/n. i'm sorry for what i've done." he said as he bowed.

you had a bad feeling in your stomach as you felt like as if deku was tricking you all. but you put it to the side and you smiled. "no worries deku." you say as you slowly get up and hug him. he hugs you back and smiles.

- s i x m o n t h s l a t e r -

the students were on a hero in training mission on an island. everyone helping each other.

you and deku got close again, he tried to get rid of his villain self little by little. and you supported him for that's he's trying.

the phone rang and uraraka answered it. "hello?...your little brother is lost? yes we can help with that!" she hangs up the phone stands up and asks "is anyone available to help? a little girl lost her brother."

"i'm available, i'll help." you say as you got up from the desk and put on your hero costume pieces while deku gets up as well. "i'm available too, let's go y/n." deku said as he smiles.

you nod and the both of you leave the room. "you think we'll be able to find him on time, right?" you smile as you were walking with deku.

"yeah totally." deku said as he smiled and continued to walk with you.

the two of you were searching and searching until you saw a huge hill with a slide on top. you heard a little girl's voice call for her brothers name.

you ran up the hill and see her looking scared "hey! are you yuki miyazaki?" you said as you looked concerned. "um..yes.." she said.

you heard sliding noises and see a boy coming down. "there you are! what took you so long?!" the boy said as he got close to you. "oh uh..are you yuzu miyazaki?" you asked. "well duh! you spent almost two hours looking for me!" he said as he pulled out his phone showing you the timer.

"oh! um! i'm sorry! i'll do better next time.." you said as you were embarrassed. "hm! seems like you really didn't want to look for me! what's your name?" he said and you were shocked "huh?! no really! i'm sorry! and my name is h/n (hero name)" you said as you bowed to the ground very embarrassed this time.

"let's go yuki!" he said as he grabbed her hand and took her downhill. "what happened?" deku asked as he arrived. "the little boy got onto me for taking so long looking for him.." you said as you got up from the ground. your face a little red.

"oh- well i can tell that he's a brat." deku says as he crossed his arms and laughed.


i'm sorry if this is short!

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